Chapter Thirty

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Josh's POV

A year later...

The sound of my alarm wakes me from my sleep I open my eyes to see that it's morning; I turn in bed rolling into a warm body. I look down at Carrera as she sleep my hand moves down to her stomach feeling her baby bump; It has been a very busy year for us.

After everything that happened last year with us and then deciding to try for a baby it has been fun and exciting. Things have been really good with us, we have gotten closer and now with a baby on the way everyone is really excited so am I.

Seeing her pregnant with my child feeling her round stomach in my hand and seeing her glow it's the happiest I have ever been. I place a kiss on her head before getting out of bed I take a nice long shower getting ready for the day.

We are finding out the sex of our baby today everyone is really excited about it Carrera invited everyone over for dinner; she didn't want to do a big gender revel for the baby she just wanted everyone to be together.

I walk into our room just as she was waking up the morning light shinning in on her; she sits up holding her stomach her hair falling beside her in a pool. She looks up at me dark green eyes light and I get lost in it.

"Good morning beautiful" I walk over to her kissing her lightly on the head. "How is our little man today" I kiss her stomach.

"Hungry" she yawns. "You smell good" she runs her hand through my hair.

"No" I pull away and she pouts. "I have an early meeting and you have food waiting for you"

"Food?" her eyes light up making me smile.

She has fallen deeper in love with food since getting pregnant and eating everything in sight; she takes to her feet showing me her body and she looks sexy as ever. She is six months pregnant with a very round small stomach that fits her body perfectly; her hair is long down her back and her boobs have gotten bigger.

I am loving ever inch of her new body and her sexual appetite for me has gotten even more aggressive and I love it.

"What time are you picking me up later?" she asks as we eat.

"Our appointment is at two so one" I say and she nods.

We talk and make fun before heading to work, I look up as I near my office at my new assistant. After everything that happened with Layla and Trina I decided to get a male assistant, it was an adjustment working with him but I have gotten used to it.

Carrera loves him they have bounded a lot since he started working for me and I like that. My morning runs off pretty fast and it was time for me to get my wife. 

I pull up in my driveway getting out, I walk into the house and I hear talking. I look up as I enter the living room to find Carrera lying on the couch talking, I take her in and she looks so comfortable I hate to pull her from this but we have an appointment.

"I know the feeling I can't wait to get back to it" she says on her phone. "No, I'm not telling him. Not yet anyways"

"Really?" I say and she looks at me blushing.

"I'll call you back" she hangs up. "Hey" she says sweetly and I know she is up to something.

I walk over to her giving her a light kiss I know she is up to something but I am not pushing it, once she is happy I am happy and that's all that matters.

"Are you ready to go?" I ask and she nods.

I help her up resting my hand on her lower back, she grabs her phone and bag taking my hand as we head out. We talk and sing along to music before getting to our doctors appointment, the doctor goes through her checks before getting to the ultra sound.

"So, what are the bets today?" she asks looking at us.

"I'm still on having a daughter" Carrera says smiling.

"We are having a son" I tell her kissing her hand.

"Doc settle this for us please" she says.

The doctor puts the wand on her stomach and the baby's heartbeat fills the room and tears comes to my eyes. Every time I hear that sound it makes me happy.

"And for the win" she move the wand around. "It's a girl" she says and Carrera cries. "She was right"

I lower my head to hers kissing her lightly on the lips.

"Always is" I say drying her eyes. "I love you baby"

"I love you too" she strokes my cheek. "We're having a little girl"

I nod we are having a little girl and I don't have to ask I know she will be just as beautiful as Carrera.


A few months later...

"Awe she is so beautiful" my mom says standing beside me.

I look down at my princess in my arms I have never been happier in my life holding this precious little baby in my arms. I still can't believe I am a father I mean I knew it was coming I've been excited for month but now. Finally holding her in my arms having her smile up at me watch me it's something else.

I look up at Carrera as she sleeps she went through a lot to bring this little life into the world, she is so strong and brave. I don't know what I would do without her, I sit holding our daughter before she woke up. I stand walking over to her and she looks at me dark green eyes tired, I rest the baby in the incubator making sure she's safe before grabbing a cup with some water.

I help Carrera into a sitting position helping her drink some water.

"How is she?" she asks looking at the baby.

I take her up and she wiggles before settling down, I hand her to Carrera she looks down at her smiling.

"She's so beautiful" she says and she wiggles waking up. "Awe she has your eyes" she cries.

"But she's going to have your attitude" I tell her and she laughs a bit before hissing. "Sorry"

"No, it's fine this is a good pain" she says looking down at her. "This is good"

We sit and talk the doctors check her out before telling her to try feeding the baby, I look at them and I have never been happier. I don't have to ask I know that my life will be filled with nothing but happiness and babies lots and lots of kids and I want it all with her.

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