Chapter Twenty

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Carrera's POV

"Don't you think we should get out of bed?" I look down at Josh.

It's late in the evening and we are still in bed we have been wrapped up in each other all morning making love and talking just being open and honest but now I feel bad for avoiding his parents. Josh lowers his head to my stomach kissing it lightly moving up to my breasts pulling one of my nipples into his mouth.

"Josh" I moan before he slides into me.

He has been insatiable today and I don't know why and I'm no better I bend whenever he touches me; we spend the rest of the evening in bed making love to the sunset and it was perfect. It's dark when we finally pull ourselves from the bed, I am standing in the kitchen making us something to eat when Josh wraps his arms around me.

"Josh stop I'm trying to cook" I try to push him off but he won't let me go. "Josh"

"What" he groans. "I like being upon you" he kisses me neck. "And in you" he whispers nibbling on my ear making me groan.

"Josh stop" I pull out of his hold turning off the stove. "You are acting like a spoiled kid"

"Well, I am spoiled and when I see something I love I have to have it" he tells me. "And I love you"

I smile looking at him he is such a charmer I shake my head putting the plates I was holding on the counter I plate our food grabbing some juice and we head for the living room. We get comfortable watching a movie while we eat and it was the perfect end to the perfect day.

"Look who's alive" Diana says and I can't hide my blush.

I take a seat on the lounge chair next to her it has been a very tiring twenty-four hours Josh has been really hands on since I told him I love him it's like he's a kid who did something good and is being rewarded and I'm the reward.

"I would ask how your liking Greece but seeing as you haven't left your room..." she hits and my blush deepens. "I take it things between you and Josh are better than okay?"

I nod. "I told him I loved him" I tell her and she smiles.

"Did he say it back?" she asks and I nod. "Wow"

"Actually, he said it to me first" I admit and she looks shocked. "I know I had the same expression but hearing him say it and seeing the look in his eyes I knew he met it"

She reaches over taking my hand giving it a squeeze and I relax.

"I'm happy my son has someone like you in his life" she tells me and I relax.

Diana and I sat and talked about random stuff it's nice talking to her it feels like I'm having a conversation with my mom having her give me advice on boys and dating. After a nice soak in the sun Diana invited me to go shopping before we grab dinner; I took a quick shower changing into a pair of shorts and a knitted top.

I leave my hair down in messy weaves I grab my phone and bag heading down I look up as I hear talking to find Trina and her mother standing around. They both look over at me taking me in and I feel a little small they both give me a smile but I can tell they didn't mean it.

"Everyone ready?" Diana asks walking up to us.

We all turn heading for the door when Josh comes out, he walks up to me handing me his card I look down at it then back at him with a frown.

"It has no limit" he tells me and I shake my head. "Baby"

"No, you know how I feel about this besides I have my own money" I tell him seriously and he pouts. "No amount of lip is going to get me to change my mind and you are not tagging along" I say before he invites himself. "Now I am going shopping and you are going to get a tan or something no work and have fun" I warn and he nods.

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