Chapter Fifteen

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Carrera's POV

Time moves so fast when things are going right in your life if someone had told me a month ago that I would be in Spain spending time with Josh Hemming as anything more than boss and employee I would have laughed in their faces but now being here with him these last few days have been nothing short have amazing.

We came to Spain to check out the new house and spend some time together so far all we have seen is the villa and each other we can't seem to keep our hands off each other even when we were on a tour, we got left behind before he just had to have me in the bathroom and I am no better.

I have never wanted anyone the way I want him it's maddening and accelerating all at the same time I don't know if this is love or just high lust but it feels amazing and I love it. I look up as the car comes to a stop and I was back at the house Josh has a lot of meetings today he has been working really hard and I wanted us to have a nice quite night in just us.

I walk into the kitchen putting the things I got on the counter I am making us a nice quite dinner for you. I busy myself making dinner while listening to music I was in the middle of making dinner when I felt a presence behind me, I turn around expecting to see Josh but it wasn't him.

I take her in Julie Hemming she is Josh's older sister I haven't had much contact with her since working for Josh she is a bit of a diva and very protective of Josh. I walk over to the iPad turning down the music.

"Is my brother here?" she asks looking around.

"No, he's in meetings until seven" I tell her and she sigh. "Your more than welcome to wait for him"

She arches a brow at me. "Let's get something straight this is my brother's house and I am his sister I don't need yours or anyone else's permission to be here got it" she tells me and I nod.

She takes me in before shaking her head walking out of the room, I take a breath I know she is being protective of Josh and I get it he's been through a lot I am happy he has her looking out for him.

I return to making dinner relaxing I finish making dinner putting the food together before taking a shower I just want tonight to be calm and relaxing. Once I was showered, I got dress I head down setting the table for us I opted for a dinner under the stars. Just as I finished setting the table and putting the food out, I heard the front door close I walk into the house expecting to see Josh but it wasn't him it was just his assistant.

She looks up at me with a smile before taking me in I am dressed in a light blue dress that ends at my ankle it has a lot of fabric but is light and flowy I have my hair pinned up in a messy bun. I know I look different but I feel good and Josh likes seeing me like this.

"Mr. Hemming wanted me to let you know that he was going out with some friends and that you shouldn't wait up" she tells me and I frown.

Out with friends? This doesn't make sense we both agreed that he'd be home for dinner a quiet night just the two of us I don't understand. I walk over to my phone finding his number I dial it; it rings a few times before going to voicemail I try him again and the same thing happens.

Don't overreact. I tell myself he's just out with his friends catching up there is nothing wrong with that as much as spending the night with him was all I wanted maybe this is something he wanted too. I remove the food putting it up in the fridge cleaning up I grab a bottle of wine and a glass walking down to the beach; I take out my phone calling Lena I just need to feel sure right now.

"Okay so I might have been a terrible friend for going off on Josh when I first met him and I am sorry" she says before I can say anything and I smile.

"Thank you" I tell her.

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