Chapter Four

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Josh's POV


I am finally home. I have never been so intent on getting home or this worked up over anything. I was in the middle of a business meeting; in Japan when an email came through from Carrera. I was a little excited to be hearing from her; ever since she called me drunk and told me that she quit I decided to give her some time off.

She was going through a lot and work was the last thing she needed on her mind. I didn't think I'd hear from her for a few days, but to get an email I didn't know what to expect. I opened the email hoping it was her apologizing, for the drunk call but what I saw enraged me.

She had sent me a resignation letter, formally quitting her position at the house. At first, I was shocked. But the longer I stared at the email the angrier I got. The thought that she could just walk away like that, with a nonformal email sent at night. No subject nothing, just a cold email pissed me off why I don't know.

All I know was that, I was not going to let it go; not like that. So, I called up Malik. I knew he was back in town and I trusted him; to deliver my message with great understanding. I didn't waste time, the minute my meeting was over. I got on my jet and headed home. I know that Carrera is going to have something to say about this; but I don't care she can't quit I won't allow it.

I look up as the car comes to a stop and I was outside my estate. The gates open and we headed up; I look down at my phone and I have a few messages from Malik and from my mother. I look up at the house and all the lights are on, telling me she was back; the car comes to a stop and I get out.

I compose myself before walking in. I don't have to ask I know Carrera is going to take my head off when I walk in and for some reason. I am looking forward to it. I don't know why, but something about being told off by her makes me smile, it always does. 

Ever since our first fight. When she started working here, and how red she gets when she is angry; for her small size it amuses me.

I walk into the house and the sweet smell of my favorite food hits me. I don't have to ask, I know Carrera is back. I know what you're thinking. I'm an asshole for forcing her back here and yes, I am, but like I said. I don't mess with success, it has taken us two years to get here. I'm not about to start over.

"Welcome home Mr. Hemming" Martina greets me taking my coat and bag.

"Where is she?" I ask getting straight to the point.

"Ms. Sinclair is waiting in your office" she tells me and I nod.

I walk down the hall heading for my office. I have this silly smile on my face thinking about her, angry little face getting ready to eat me alive. I open my office door stepping in. I look up expecting to find Carrera waiting for me, ready to argue but my office was empty.

I walk up to my desk spinning my chair around, to see if she was sitting there but it was empty. I look down at my desk, and I see an envelope with my name on it. I take it up opening it in record time to find a letter inside; I read through it and it was her formal two weeks' notice. I ball my hand into a fist the letter along with it before storming out.

"Carrera!" I yell heading into the living room. "Carrera!"

I turn around as the sound of her heels enter my ears. I look up at her and she is standing in the hall, with an unreadable look on her face. I take her in and she isn't dressed in her usual pants and shirt. She is wearing a body-hugging black dress, that outlines her curves, curves I didn't even know she had.

Her hair is down around her in curls, just like the other day and her dark green eyes regarding me. As if daring me to do something. One part of me wants to go over to her and devour her, with my mouth. Make her submit to me and the other part wants to fuck her into next Tuesday.

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