Chapter Nine

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Carrera's POV

I wake to the feel of the sun shining in on me I turn in bed opening my eyes to see that I am in my room in Paris. We got back late last night from the South house things have been weird between us I'm trying to go back but I just can't stop thinking about the kiss every time I see him it's in my head and I can't explain it.

It's not like I've never been kissed before I have but something about the way his lips felt on mine it was different as if he wasn't just physically kissing me and it drives me crazy. I groan pulling the covers over my head today is over last day here and I have a lot of packing to do.

I just want to go home and forget everything that happened on this trip except for the food the food was amazing. I lay in bed for a few hours before getting out and getting dress I want to spend my last day visiting some more places and putting a lock on the bridge for my parents.

I look up as I walk into the living room as I hear talking to find Josh sitting on the couch with a bunch of men talking about business. I have been doing my best to avoid him since the kiss I just need time to get my head on straight; he looks up at me his blue eyes taking me in and my skin comes alive for him.

I give him a small smile walking by them heading for the door I walk outside the hotel taking a deep breath before heading down the street. I find a cute café getting a table outside I take out my phone finding Lena's number calling her.

"Do you know what time it is?" her groggy voice says when she picks up.

"Time for you to tell me I am doing the right thing" I tell her and she groans.

"You are doing the right thing and you know it" she reminds me. "He is only going to use you and leave you"

I sigh. "I don't know" I say and I hear movement in the background.

"Okay tell me why you don't know"

"There was just something, a moment when we were lying in bed. I looked into his eyes and I saw...a scared little boy and it got to me" I tell her softly.

"That's called the begging eyes. He wanted to have sex with you, but he didn't want you to feel pressor. Guys do it all the time and he is no different" she says. "Besides I'm sure he hooked up with his girlfriend the minute you turned him down"

"Actually, they broke up" I say.

"Because he's found his next target" she groans. "Cara please, you are smarter than this. Ok, just stop trying to see the good or make excuses for him. He's the playboy and you're not the girl for him okay honey" I sigh. "I know you care for him, but if you don't want to get hurt walk away"

I wish it was that simple I really do but these feelings and thoughts aren't going away I just need to get home maybe when things go back to normal and I see him in his natural habitat these feelings will go away too.

After my talk with Lena, I had breakfast and called up Molly we have been on a good note since we both apologized and put everything behind us starting over and I like talking with her. I spend most of my day going around the city just saying goodbye to it and thinking about Josh; he's been on my mind a lot lately.

It's late when I get back to the hotel, I get on the lift pressing for my floor just as the doors were about the close a hand stopped it. I look up to see that it's Josh's assistant she gives me a look before getting on; we ride up in silence the lift comes to a stop and we get off.

She opens the suite door walking in and I follow behind her I hear talking as I enter the living room and Josh was pacing on his phone. He looks over his shoulder at me his eyes tired and angry he walks out of the room and his assistant follows behind him.

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