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WC: 1109

Disclaimer I don't own Harry Potter or its characters.

Traveling at a fast pace all day staying the night under the stars. Reaching their last checkpoint the next day, Draco settled in their room. That was after dealing with the obnoxious motel owner who was eyeing Granger who seemed to take it with a grain of salt. Returning to the horse, finding it a place outside the motel getting it food and water. Meeting Granger in the small room. Settling their belonging on separate beds, Draco looked around. 

There wasn't much to the room, there was a small room off to the right. He was pretty sure that it was a want to be for a toilet, a sad excuse for one. A bucket that had to be emptied and didn't offer a place to wash up. Other than that, it was four walls and a roof. Watching Hermione sit on the bed, resuming her staring blankly in the direction of choice. It was infuriating! In the time that he'd known her, including Hogwarts time, she'd only ever been quiet once and that was because of the weasel.

"I'm thinking that every time we use our magic, that's how they seem to find us," Draco said, hoping for some sort of reaction

However, he didn't get anything. Groaning, this woman was beyond frustrating. "Why do you insist on rubbing your arm?"

"It's a nervous habit."

Eyeing her, she had to be one of the worst liars he'd seen. "Why don't you cut the bull shit and just tell me what is going on."

Watching her roll her eyes, it was different from normal. Not sure how, but just the way she did it uttered she didn't care. "Just leave me alone."

"No. Whatever is bothering you, is starting to affect your judgment." Seeing her stand abruptly, proceeding to yank her sleeve up

"This." Displaying to him not only mud blood but whore as well, carved into her flesh. "Yesterday reminded me why I don't go alone in villages, or anywhere anymore. So, do you feel better knowing now? Knowing that not only am I a filthy mud blood, but I'm also a mud blood whore."

Grimacing at her words, surprised at the tone and harshness of them. "Don't say that."

"What? Mud blood or a mud blood whore?"

"Either. You are neither. You never have been either." Taking note of the silent tears, moving back to the bed done with the confrontation

"It's clear from this, that this is what I am. Something I should never forget."

Moving to sit beside her, ensuring he was slow and gentle with his movements. "That does not define who you are. Neither of those words do. The people who did this knew nothing of who you are."

"It seems that no one knows who I am or cares. They just want the fame that comes with being the Gryffindor princess. Or they just want me out of comfort nothing more, because I'm the last resort."

"Then tell me who you are. The arrogant cockroach, who I might add doesn't need your fame because he's good-looking enough." Glad to see the playful eye roll and a small smile, replacing her sleeve to its rightful position. "You do need to talk to someone."

Shaking her head, "It was hard enough to talk to Harry and Ginny and show them that he'd done this to me."

"He?" Draco asked, starting to fume

Barely nodding, "Yes, he."

"He better be in Azkaban, or he will be."

"No, George and Ginny took care of it."

"I don't care who took care of it. That's dark magic and that needs to be addressed!"

"They took care of it. Plus, I haven't seen him in a few years now."

"When I find out who it is, they're going to wish they had checked themselves into Azkaban."

Sighing, she tentatively placed her head on Draco's shoulder. Knowing that this fight was over, if it could be considered that. Whatever it was, she just didn't have the energy within her to fight over that person any longer. That had gone and flew the coupe.

Thankfully Draco didn't push the topic anymore. It had been a long few years, she had gotten tired of people asking her if she was okay, what had happened, and whether their breakup going to last. Knowing who Malfoy was and his temperament, it was best he did not know who it was. In all honesty, he might actually kill him. They didn't have the best past.

During the year everything went down, she had tried her best to hide it. They, her friends, still found out. Still tried to pamper her like a broken doll. It was irksome. She'd made the decision to take some time off from work, getting away from everyone. Leaving notes for them, needing the time for healing. Going somewhere no one knew who she was, trying to figure out what to do with herself and her life. Granted she didn't leave her room except to go to the library she'd found. It was a period of her life that allowed her to grow as a person. 

Their stay in the room was uneventful. The following days, Draco took the lead on leaving to go get food. Never once making her leave if she didn't want to. On the fourth day they had been there, they weren't sure what to do. They hadn't seen or heard anything from the other groups. It was coming down to the line on whether they should continue without anyone else. 

Ensuring that they had everything, sitting and waiting until midday. Surprised when they heard a couple of knocks on the door, waiting for more Hermione recognized the knocks. Moving to the door, Draco stopped her from opening it himself. Finding Sir William and Harry standing outside, letting them in, and shutting the door. Hermione moved to Harry, who willingly held her. He turned slightly to view Draco, surprised when he saw what looked like sympathy in his eyes. When he noticed him looking at him, he looked away not letting him view his eyes a moment longer.

From how she was reacting, Harry knew that something had brought up memories. Memories of a certain person. Not asking questions, there were never enough answers. Including the fact that Hermione didn't want to ever speak of it. He and Ginny had gotten it out of her once and saw her break down but after that, she pushed it to the back burner. Never to be spoken of again.

With her finally pulling away, "I'm so glad that you two are here. It felt as if we were on the run again. Have you met up with Ginny or Blaise?"

I hope you're enjoying the story thus far. Please leave some comments and give it stars if you are :) Until next week, stay safe with love ~DQ <3

I'm seeing Queen tomorrow, that's why this is early! Next week will be back to the regularly scheduled time!

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