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WC: 1111

Disclaimer I don't own Harry Potter or its characters.

The group agreed, taking time together in the girl's room to decide what they would be doing. Discussing their options. Which was not an easy feat with this group. 

Draco sighed, "Fine, I'll use Black for a surname." Fed up with the whole situation

Hermione looked down, pulling names knowing that her first name was the issue. "I'll go with Amelia." Harry gave her a look, trying to understand her logic. "What? It's a name that I like."

"Well, I guess that is all we needed to do. We should probably relax before dinner, we can tell the Queen tonight. See you at dinner." Ginny spoke, pushing the boys out to flop on their beds. 

Before long, their relaxation was disturbed. Numerous individuals were coming and going. They measured them, showing them different fabrics along with comparing those fabrics. After all that, said fabric began to fly in the air.

"I will not wear that." Hermione stood her ground, staring at the piece of clothing if it could be called that

"Ladies wear these all the time. Girdles are a must to look as small as possible, they are in the in fashion."

Growling, "I will not be caught wearing one of those. I am not like other ladies."

Ginny huffed feeling sympathetic for the ladies who were just trying to do their jobs. "Just give up. Once her mind is set, it's not going to change. You won't be in trouble." Ginny spoke to the girls who raised the white flag

Giving up, the ladies started to finish their measurements to allow for a new set of individuals to come in to dress them for the night. Hermione tried her damnest to not be a pain, but this was all so much work. Giving their hair and makeup last touches, they sent them on the way with their escort. 

Hearing that the boys were already there waiting for them, they hurried to the dining hall. The doors opened to the hall, and it was just like Hogwart's main hall. Ginny surveyed the room, seeing eyes on her and on her best friend.

"He-. Amelia, they're looking at you." Ginny elbowed her

Rolling her eyes, "I doubt it."

"I don't. You look beautiful tonight."

Offering the girl beside her a look, taking the seat that was pulled out for her. She always did this, trying to talk her up when there wasn't anything special about her. Honestly, she'd be looking at the new guest too if they were in their position. When the Queen entered, they stood and sat after her. 

Dinner was brought out by servers, enlightening the group to nonmagical beings present. Having spoken slightly to the Queen, gave her enough to know what they chose to be addressed as while here. Soon, dinner was coming to an end. The Queen stood, motioning for the table to remain seated.

"Before we leave. I would like to introduce the new guests you saw entering the dining hall tonight. They are here to help with some issues that are being felt by some of the communities. To help resolve the unity issues, please stand with your name. 

"Harry, Blaise, Ginevra, Draco and Amelia. They will begin working with us, and with time you may be able to work with them. They have traveled from their home to help, please welcome them into my home. Look for notices in your mail, for now, go enjoy the rest of your evening." She bowed, taking her leave

Before they could leave, they were stopped by some of the people who wished to chat with them. Some of the men took a liking to Hermione. Hermione was thankful when Harry and Draco intervened taking them back to their rooms.

The coming days were busy for the group. The Queen ordered them new clothing, allowing them to give their articles a piece of their own taste. Afterward, the Queen had the girls begin to talk with some girls of the court. Ginny fit in perfectly, while Hermione stood back and let her.

Once that torture was done, Hermione got to enjoy time in the library. The Queen even had the group dueling with others, which she called training. Not sure if she was doing it to evaluate their ability, but Hermione was pretty sure that's what it was for. However, Hermione got out of it on the weekdays, claiming there was much to do. So, she got one of the days on the weekend to talk with one of their best fighters.

After a long week, with little progress, it was time to meet whom she'd be dueling. Being told who she was looking for, it was a walk to the location. Assuming this was a remote location that was only available to wizards. Her gaze fell upon a tall male standing in the middle of the rubble, looking up to see her. Viewing that there were others around the area, paying no attention to what they were doing.

"Hello Amelia, I'm Christopher."

This was the right person, yet he seemed off. "Hello."

"We should start the duel right away."

"Okay." Sensing her own weariness, he let her know of the formalities

Glad to hear they were similar to their time, they began to ready themselves. Hermione glanced around where their dual would be taking place, noticing there were random walls and hiding places. Assuming they were meant to be used during the dual. Preparing a plan in her head, they nodded to each other. It began.

This wasn't like any duel that she'd ever experienced, lasting much longer than originally thought. Christopher only popped out of his hiding spot once and a while, even when Hermione drew him out he found another place to hunker down. If this was how their precious fighters fought, it was clear they were doomed from the start. Standing up, seeing that an audience had gathered.

"Is this how you fight all the time?" She called out, not caring that she remained in the open

Seeing him stand up, wand by his side. "No, I'm just not comfortable fighting you."

Crossing her arms, "And why not?"

"We don't tend to battle many females."

Scowling at the man before her, "You're kidding right?"

"No, there are very few witches that are willing to duel."

"Just duel me as if I was a male." Hermione bit out

"I'm sorry, I can't..."

About to send a sarcastic remark at him, someone stepped into the area. "I will. I challenge you to a duel." It was Columba from the first day. Having learned from the Queen who and what he was doing.

Feeling someone move to stand beside her, touching her arm "I don't recommend you doing this." It was the Queen

Looking to Draco who smirked at her, next to him Harry was shaking his head. Knowing what her answer was going to be. "I accept." 

Ooooh a cliffhanger! I won't say much except leave the story some love! Until next week, stay safe with love ~DQ <3 

Thank you for the continued support! I'll keep working hard to make this story good!

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