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WC: 937

Disclaimer I don't own Harry Potter or its characters.

Happy New Year's Day! I know two weeks in a row of double updates, who am I?!

"Draco, I don't know what to say."

"Say yes, please?" Nodding, causing the boy to smile at her. He continued to surprise her by placing a hand on her cheek. "Can I kiss you?" Replying with a soft yes. Allowing him to lean down and capture her lips, was a simple kiss. A simple press, but it sent shock waves through the pair. Settling his forehead on hers.


"I'm sorry."

Offering a slight shake of her head, "No, don't be. It was nice."

"Yeah, it was." Instead of his famous smirk, it was replaced by a soft smile

Not pushing for more, wanting to keep it slow. Not knowing everything that had occurred, Draco knew enough. "I can't move fast," Hermione whispered

"That's okay. We'll go at whatever pace we both feel comfortable with."

Surprised that he didn't push to move fast, "Thank you."

"Of course. Can I ask you something?" using the same words he heard earlier

"Yes, of course."

"Will you wear this? Then no one can question if we're together." Holding out a ring, "To others, it will look like an engagement ring. But to us, it will look like a promise ring. A promise to keep you safe."

"Draco, you don't have to do this."

"I know, but I want to."

"Okay, yes." Smiling at the boy, it didn't reach her eyes. However, Draco saw the small sparkle that they held.

Chuckling, putting the ring on. "Thank you," Draco said softly

"Thank you, too."

"I'm sorry if this is weird. I just, it feels right with you."

Repressing the giggle that was trying to wiggle itself out, which surprised Hermione more. "It does feel right. I feel like I know you but not really."

"Then tomorrow, when we can relax a little, we can talk. Go to your favorite place and relax."

"You'd do that?" 

"Yeah, I want to." 

"That sounds perfect." Yet again smiling at him

Sitting, looking out the windows. Noticing that the time had flown by once they started talking, they had almost arrived at their destination. Waiting through the line, they finally arrived in the circle, they were one of the last to exit, the carriage behind them held the Queen and her husband. 

Waiting for the Queen, they quickly and quietly discussed what had transpired in the time it took to get there. Nodding, Hermione moved to Ginny and Harry next. Agreeing to go with it, the ginger proceeded to give her a bombastic side-eye. One that Hermione chose to ignore for the time. Making their way in, greeted by servants and other guests. Making their way down the grand staircase, Hermione didn't remember this being in the manor that she'd been in.

"Wonder when this was taken out," Draco muttered

"That's what I was thinking," Hermione whispered back

Feeling stares as they walked down into the main floor of the house, Hermione tightened her grip on Draco's arm. "You two are definitely drawing attention." Harry chuckled

"I don't think it's me that's drawing the attention," Ginny spoke looking over to Hermione who had drawn the attention of those mingling

Scuffing, "Please, you are so ridiculous." Trying to resist rolling her eyes at her best friend

"No matter. With the amount of attention you are receiving, Draco had a good idea." The Queen spoke behind them pushing them to continue down the stairs

"Yes, it was-." Draco stopped seeing his ancestors filing into the hall

"Hello! I was wondering if my most prized guest would come or stand me up. Look who was invited, you brought quite the group."

"Of course I came Mr. Malfoy, you know I can never say no to you." The Queen started, trying to hold her tongue. "It is always wonderful to see you."

Smirking the traditional Malfoy smirk, "Yes, it is a pleasure to see you too. Since when are we so formal, you know I love to be personal with all my guests. Now, where are your manners? Who have you brought with you?"

Nodding, Hermione saw her bite her cheek. "Armand, you know how ladies are when they come to these things. They are too excited and forget their manners. Let me introduce you. Please meet, Harry Smitty. This couple here is Blake Harps and Ginevra Ponds. Lastly, this couple is Amelia Granger and Draco Black."

Watching him take in each of the individuals, looking over Draco for some time then Hermione. "You have a strong name; your family knew what they were doing. I also see that you have a ring."

Tonight seemed to be one of those nights that resisting the urge to continuously roll her eyes, would be a struggle. "Yes, I do." Being polite

Scowling at her, "Well, when is it?" his tone portrayed his annoyance at the short response

"It is next May."

Raising a brow, "Oh? A long engagement. That makes it seem that you do not want to wed."

Knowing that she could blow a fuse, Draco stepped in. "Excuse me, sir, that was a mutual decision. It is not that we do not want to wed, it is merely just time. Our parents are currently traveling abroad. We want them to enjoy their traveling and wish for them to be a part of the planning process."

"What parents would leave after their children were recently engaged."

"We sent them on the trip, as a thank you and appreciation."

Trying to understand what Draco was hiding yet held his tongue. "You should have thought about how risky it is to travel at times such as these. You never know what could happen, it could end in devastation. People are dying like crazy." Smirking at the duo

"They are strong and know what they are doing. They can handle whatever is thrown at them, don't worry." Draco spoke vehemently

Leaving his smirk plastered on his face, "Whatever you say. I must attend to other guests, enjoy your night." 

They are in the dragon's den! Do you like having two updates a week? or is one good enough? I am going to move them to the end of the week, just to be a little more convenient for me. Also, the time will move from 12 pm EST to 5 pm EST. Until next week! ~DQ ❤️ 

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