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WC: 1322

Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter or its characters.

Rolling her eyes, laughing. "You are such an arse." Smacking his leg gently. "You know what happened to my parents. What about yours?" 

"After the war, my mum helped to renovate the manner. It wasn't anything special, just enough to change it. Once she was done, she began spending more time in Paris. I guess, I should say living there, she visits monthly. Nothing more. 

"The only time that she stays for any time is during the Christmas season. Or when there are banquets or charity balls." Draco paused, inhaling deeply. "My father was killed during his time at Azkaban. We were told he was attacked and decided not to fight back. The guards did nothing to stop the fight, thinking he deserved it as much as he did. The only way I won the case against them was because of Potter."

Reaching out to him, surprised at what she was hearing. This was the first time she had heard about his father. "I'm sorry, Draco."

"It's fine. The only reason I can show any sadness about him is because he was my father. Other than that, good riddance he is gone. He can no longer hurt anyone else." Draco spoke, "You said your parents are in Australia, right?"

"Yeah. After breaking the memory charm on them, they were mad. No, infuriated at me. I have a little brother who knows about me. His name is Toby. After offering to bring them home, they refused, wanting to stay there. We talk occasionally. It's become more frequent now that Toby is getting older. He started wanting to know more about his 'older sister' who moved away." Hermione explained

"So, you have no real connection to them?"

"Not anymore. We used to be so close, and now this."

"What do you do for Christmas?"

"It's normally just Harry and I. Not having families, we turn to one another. We used to go to the Weasley's house, but that was put to an end. Harry started inviting Teddy and Andromeda in the last few years. That has been nice. Teddy looks up to Harry so much he is adorable. I think you would like him." Smiling at him

Chuckling, "I don't know about that. I'm not one for kids. I'm not even good with kids."

Shock showed on Hermione's face, "Admitting to not being good at something? Time to mark it on the calendar!"

Being exasperated at her words, "I can have my dignity."

"You're just being bashful."

"Bashful?" Hearing the door close and seeing Harry walk in

"Draco is being bashful." Watching him trudge in, taking up residency in a chair

"Why? That is unusual of you Malfoy."

"Wait- did you knock?" Hermione intercepted the conversation with a question

Shrugging, "Nope. You haven't locked it yet, so I waltzed on in."

Huffing at his words, "You're ridiculous."

"I know. So anyone, want to answer my question now." Harry smiled

"It's because I said I'm not good with kids. Hermione believes I should meet Teddy and that he'd like me." Draco explained

Harry nodded, "You should. It would be good for both you and Teddy. At least he would get to meet and possibly know some of his family. Maybe even meet your mother. If you think that is a good choice."

"It is something to think about. When we get back, I'll decide then," Draco spoke, ending the conversation

"I'll look forward to your answer." Harry smiled, turning back to Hermione. "What did you have planned?"

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