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WC: ~1029

Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter or its characters.

Nodding, "Yeah." Settling their foreheads together, Hermione was still too shy to think of kissing him. Even though the thought had crossed her mind a time or two. Especially after their first soft kiss. She just wasn't sure if she was ready for that yet.

With that, they sat together for the rest of the afternoon. The house elves brought refreshments when required. Deciding that for dinner, they would all eat together. Draco was finally introduced to his cousin. Retiring to their rooms for the night, their days would become busier.

Having breakfast together, Columba had more reading while Harry took Teddy and Amelia out to the gardens. This left Draco and Hermione alone for the afternoon. The duo sat in a library, facing each other. They had been talking about everything.

"Do you think Columba or even Harry would be okay watching Amelia  for one night?" Draco surprised her with his question

"Yeah, I think so. Why?"

"I'd like to take you out on a date." Grabbing the hand that held the ring, having been shifted from the left to the right

"Yeah, I don't think Harry would mind at all." Chuckling softly together. It was odd to feel so giddy at this age!

Getting up, they ventured out to find Harry. Draco held Amelia while watching Teddy run around the gardens. It was a sight Draco thought he'd never see. Settling down, they talked a while before asking Harry. Watching him grin, quickly accepting the task. Planning the next day to go clothes shopping for the two new members, the duo parted to prepare for dinner. Asking how she should dress, Draco smiled and replied semi-formal.

Hermione felt nervous for the first time in this situation, but it was the good side of the emotion. It didn't harbor any of those mood-dampening effects. There was nothing to worry about. Especially since Draco had taken care of her for months now. Hermione took the muggle approach to get ready. Only simplifying some steps with magic. 

Once done, she met Draco at the doors. Complimenting one another, they made their way outside to apparate to their destination. Dumfounded to be in front of the new restaurant, Draco led them in. With Hermione's eyes wondering, he muttered he'd booked this a while ago.

Seated in the back, they were given menus and water. Blanching at the prices, a single meal was the cost of meals for a week! Looking at how others dressed, she felt dressed down. "You look fine." Startling her out of her mind

"Says you who looks good in everything and doesn't have to worry about money."

"You don't have to either. I asked you to come with me. I'll cover the bill. That's how it works."

"This is my first date then."

Smirking, having an ego boost. "I'll make it the best I can."

Once they figured out what they were eating, they chatted while waiting for the server to come. Which they came soon after. Ordering their meals, it was nice to be in a relaxed setting. The staff was all pleasant. The duo was even able to walk through the gardens while they waited. Then, when their order was ready, they received a message. Laughing at the cute letter that found them, they put a pep in their step to return to their table. The letter leading them back to their table was a cute added touch. It was delicious food, some of the best she'd had. The newish couple their meal together, taking another walk in the gardens.

Turning around at one point, Hermione felt someone following them. She had announced that to Draco. He had turned around to look, yet neither saw anything. Continuing their walk, now that Draco was more aware, he too felt it. They decided it would be best to head to the checkout. Stopping at the front desk, preparing to pay, Draco stepped forward. Feeling a hand on her arm, it refused to let her move forward.

Looking back, her stomach dropped. Hermione saw a face that she hadn't seen in nearly five years. "Well, well. Who do we have here in this fine establishment? A whore with scum." Gathering the attention of many in the establishment, especially Draco.

"Leave me alone," Hermione spoke. She was surprised at how hard and void of emotion her voice sounded when inside, she was shaking. Yet, there was something else. Something Draco couldn't place. 

"Is that any way to greet an old friend and your lover?" Yanking her closer, allowing her to smell the alcohol radiating off from him

"We are no such thing." Grimacing at the foul smell, puckering her lips. Tilting her head away from the foul-smelling fiend 

"No? I'm pretty sure. We're still together. As my sister and brother doing it for you doesn't count! We're the famous trio, you, Harry, and I. I was the one to settle with someone like you."

"Knock it off, Weasley."

"Fuck off, death eater. Who are you to interfere with us? You cheating on me with a death eater now?" He shouted, drawing even more attention to the front

Hermione tried tugging her arm away from him. Unfortunately, he had a vice grip on it. "Leave me alone and get your hand off from me."

"Don't tell me what to do. You always do that, like you think I'm dumb or somethin'. Just because you're some brilliant witch! If I tell you to do something, you will."

By this point, she could feel the squeeze of his hand. "That's hurting, now let go!"

"Weasley, you heard her. Now let go." Draco already having summoned the police

The drunk pushed Draco with his available arm. "I told you to fuck off. Why are you even allowed in this type of establishment, scum."

Holding his temper, "Do not lay a hand on me, or I will be forced to arrest you."

Flailing his free arm around, "Oh! The big bad Malfoy is going to hurt part of the golden trio. It is you that needs to be arrested! How dare you touch my girlfriend!" seeing the pain in Hermione's face, knowing he was hurting her more.

"Ron Weasley, if you do not let go of this woman, I will take matters into my own hands."

"Come at me, scum." Hearing Hermione whimper in pain, Draco finally made the move. Punching the ginger, hearing the police enter soon after. Draco grabbed Hermione. She turned and clung to him. Draco saw officers he knew moving to cuff Ron. Other officers began to walk around to take statements. They finished with those at the counter, Draco, and lastly Hermione. They heard a commotion behind them. She turned to see Ron fighting law enforcement.

"I should have done worse to you! Scaring you with whore wasn't enough! I should have put my name on you! Then everyone would know who you belong to!" he screamed, being dragged out.

Four more! ^.^ Thank you for reading  ~DQ 💜 

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