XL: The Epilogue Part 2

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WC: ~1060

Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter or its characters.

Soon, Amelia's sixteenth birthday came. A day that Hermione and Draco had been planning for years. Settling her down, they brought everything out onto the table. They watched her go through the grief stages. The young one finally settled on shock. She moved to snuggle with the pair that had raised her. While she knew the pair were not her parents, she never would have guessed it went this deep.

"We can go meet them?" Amelia peered up, asking the witch beside her.

Hermione gave a soft nod. "Only if you want to. But she would like to meet you. I told her I would bring you back."

"Are you coming?" Looking to Draco

Shaking his head, "No, 'Moine only got the authorization for you and her to do this."

"Oh. Okay." Amelia looked out to the room, "When can we go?"

"Whenever you want today."


Nodding, "It was cleared for your 16th birthday and today only."

Amelia sighed, standing. The couple had to refrain from smiling. Even though she wasn't biologically theirs, she acted just like them. "Then let's do this. How long do we have when we go back?" 

"Only a couple of hours. Then, when our time is up, it will automatically bring us back to this time." Hermione explained, "I made it so that will happen. We don't want any accidents happening. It's a mix of a portkey and a time turner."

"Rather brilliant though, Ma," Amelia spoke. For once, there was a hint of something in her voice neither could trace. 

She smiled, patting the girl's head. "Thank you. We'll be back soon." Hermione turned to her husband

"Be safe, send my well wishes to them."

"I will."

"Be safe, listen to 'Moine while you're there," Draco warned Amelia

"Don't worry, Pa. I will." Hugging him tight, she left with Hermione

Hermione led them to where they would leave, taking them to an odd location. Hermione freed the turner from her pocket. Amelia didn't notice that she had grabbed a bag from home. It made the younger female laugh. It was always like Hermione to be prepared. Hermione got them ready, earning a nod from the growing female. Watching their surroundings change from housing to trees and more trees. Once the world stopped spinning, Hermione pocketed the tool. Now, it was time to wait.

Time moved slowly. The pair sat some rocks, not bothering with small talk to pass the time. Hearing a rustling, they stood at the ready. Hermione saw the familiar face of the Queen, Henry, and another young man. The pair noticed the Queen was cupping her mouth, stifling the gasp.

"You came." She finally spoke, moving to the pair and pulling them into a hug. Amelia wasn't sure what was happening, going with the flow. "Thank you, Hermione, for bringing me my little girl. You have grown so much. You look so precious." Pulling back, looking at the teen. "I know you do not know who I am, but I gave birth to you. I sent you with Hermione to save your life! You are beautiful."

Smiling, "Ma told me the story. It's nice to meet you mom." Amelia spoke softly

"Oh, dear. It is a pleasure to meet you. Henry, come meet your daughter. Wilfred, come meet your twin."

Hermione stepped back, offering the family some privacy to meet. However, Amelia didn't allow for that. She didn't want her to feel left out. Amelia rapidly told them everything she could, showing her numerous expressions. Settling on the grass, Hermione saw how different the twins were. Hermione had to hold back her laughter. Amelia was a typical teen from the twenty-first century, while Wilfred was the typical boy from now. 

Time was not slowing down for anyone, even their group. Standing, they began saying goodbyes.

"Will we ever meet again?" Amelia asked the small group, peering between the adults. 

The group knew the answer to that, even the teen. But she wanted to ask. Her birth mother came, holding her face in her hands. "No. I will not sugarcoat it for you as Hermione called it. We were lucky to have this time. Time stops for no one." She ran her fingers through her daughter's hair, seeing the tears come. "Let Hermione continue to dote on you. You are a beautiful young lady; I can see how much she cares and works for you. 

"Time gave you a second chance at life. Take it, my love. You have a time clock within you. Trust those timings. You are a warrior of time. You have to defeat it by living in another period. Continue to conquer it." The Queen spoke with sincerity and love. "And you. Oh, Hermione. I am so proud of you and Draco. You two were fire and water. Now. Now, you have recognized the strength you have in one another. You two can overcome any obstacle and barrier that gets in your way. That is the love you two have, even conquering something as harsh as time. Both of you continue to be happy."

With last hugs, they stepped apart. Hermione pulled out the gadget and wrapped it around their necks. Feeling the familiar pull, the family disappeared with the sights of their world coming back. Hermione looked at the young woman beside her.

"Ready to go home?"


Celebrating the last of the day, Hermione was happy to be wrapped in the arms of Draco at the end of the day.

"You okay?"

Nodding, "Today was a lot. It was long." Draco kissed the top of her head, knowing how her brain processed. "Love?"

"What is it?"

"No matter what, even if it's not easy, I'll always be by your side until the end."

Squeezing his wife, "I know. I will do the same for you. I love you. All it took was us being trapped in another time to figure it out."

"It wasn't easy."

"If it was, where would life's lessons come from? I can't go back to the beginning and change how I acted from the time we met. But I'm happy that I was given that time to change. Life has a weird way of giving us lessons to learn from. I think we all needed something from that time. What it was for you, only you can know. But for me, it was learning how to love again. That it was okay to love."

"I think it was the same for me. After Ron, I thought I was unlovable and could never offer anyone what they needed. But you were there when I needed you most. I never realized how much I needed a shoulder to lean on." Hermione spoke softly into his chest

"I'll always be that shoulder."

Looking up, smiling. "No matter what?"

"No matter what. Because good things always take time and that is something you taught me."


And it's really done.

I'll admit, there were some tears. I've enjoyed this ride with you and I hope you have too. I'm not one to write epilogues. *Cough cough* what happens after this *cough cough* I knew if I didn't write it with the story it would never come. 

Please leave this story a lot of love if you've made it this far, share it with friends. Until the next crazy story that I concoct!! You can always leave me some recommendations, the worst thing I'll do is say no ^.^

Stay safe and healthy. 

Until Next Time. ~DQ ❤️ 

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