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WC: 1314

Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter or its characters.

"Yeah. What does that have to do with this?"

Instructing her to not move, he left her to vanish within the small building. After a moment of her wondering what the hell he was doing, he returned with a broom. "Will you fly with me?"

"I- I don't know."

"Come on. You said you trust me, please?"

"I do trust you, it's just that I don't trust myself."

Coming closer, "I'll be there the whole time, you can sit in the front, and I'll steer. You just have to be on the broom with me. I'll even stay close to the ground so we can stop quickly if you need it." Puckering her lips, repeating her prior statement of I don't know. "Please? If you don't like it then we'll stop no questions asked and I'll never bring up riding a broom again."

Looking between him and the broom, sighing. Finally agreeing, surprised at how happy that made the man before her. It was as if Christmas had come for him. Watching him get on, having her follow him. Settling down in front of him, seeing that he had a tight grip on the broom. Surprised that he wrapped an arm around her waist tugging her back slightly, just enough so she was settled against his chest. Leaving the arm there, he warned her that he was going to kick off.

Staying true to his word, they stayed only a couple feet from the ground. It was enough that their feet didn't touch, but enough that if she fell off she wouldn't break anything. Holding the broom and Draco's hand. Draco smirked; she was straight like a board.

"Relax. I won't let anything happen to you." Draco leaned close, whispering in her ear

Loosening the grip on the broom, she however held tight to Draco. As they slowly moved around in the small space, Hermione began to relax. It was slight, but Draco noticed the more time she was on the broom the more comfortable she became. Flying for nearly half an hour, Hermione had relaxed fully enjoying it. Finishing, Draco told her that he was going to set them down. Hermione waited for the man to return after returning the broom.

"How was it? I hope it wasn't too bad." Draco looked at her, anticipating her response

"At first it was still terrifying. But, after a while it wasn't too bad. Maybe we could do it again and go higher?"

Draco chuckled, "Not yet. Let's take some baby steps."

Frowning at him, "Fine. I guess you're right."

Smiling at her, despite her unhappiness. "Let's go get some food, then come back out to relax in the sun. Snow is going to fall shortly."

"Sounds wonderful."

...Time Skip...

Dread. It was the day that the group didn't want to come. Breaking apart was not something that anyone was looking forward to, especially Hermione. Having a small party, before ending the party with just the group in the girl's rooms. It was an early morning, and they wanted to have as much time together as possible. While spending time together, Hermione continued to double, triple, and quadruple-check the bags. Turning to make sure the small group had what they needed. Finally, Harry gave Draco a look, one that he understood immediately. Pulling Hermione away, knowing she was stressing over the bag they threw together for Columba. He had agreed the night they had suggested he go with Harry and Sir William.

Hermione gripped Draco while they started preparing to say goodbye. Harry had made sure that everyone else had said goodbye before turning to Hermione. Dropping Draco's hand, they stood facing each other.

"So..." Harry started with, unsure of how to do this

"So..." Hermione mimicked him, standing in silence. Sighing, Hermione grabbed the boy pulling him in for a hug. "Harry James Potter, you better make it back here unscathed. You understand me?"

"I do, I understand completely. We'll be okay because you made sure that we'd be covered."

"If something doesn't add up or isn't sitting right, don't do it. If you can't get something because it'll cost you your life. Don't do it, okay?"


"Also, don't forget to eat. You always would if I didn't remind you."

"Amelia Jean Granger, I will be fine. I won't tell you to stop worrying but try to be optimistic that we'll be okay. I have all of your checklists, in addition to whatever else you have packed for me. We will look after each other. You just take care of yourself and the Queen and the babies. Okay?"

"Okay, Harry. I will." Giving a sad smile

"We must get going." Sir William spoke up

"Take care of yourself. Love you." Harry spoke laying a kiss on the top of her head

"You too. Love you too." Hermione spoke, hugging him one last time stepping back. Tears freely falling, not caring who saw them

Smiling at each other sadly, turning away. Hermione watched them leave, thankful when Draco came to stand beside her holding her hand. Remaining where they stood, waiting until they could no longer see them. Out of view, they finally turned heading back into the castle. Life would return to normal; Hermione would try her best too. 

But it would be difficult, as she would miss her best friend. Relying on Harry to know their limits, as not knowing would be the hardest part. Not knowing if they had gotten hurt or if they were succeeding. Distracting herself by taking care of the rest of the group, the Queen with her babies. Hopefully, this would be enough.

The days flew by, with Hermione working hard to perfect the theories. Draco was right there with her, every step of the way. Days were becoming shorter and colder, leaving little room to do anything outside. At every opportunity, Draco and Hermione spent their time together. Even though they had yet to acknowledge their feelings or call each other their own, everyone knew they were together. 

Growing closer and closer. This could be seen for Blaise and Ginny too. In the dead of winter, Blaise had asked Ginny for her hand in marriage. Throwing a large party, being the highlight of the winter. Hearing of how Blaise decorated the room they tended to frequent, then the ring. It was beautiful and Hermione grinned the whole time during the retelling of it. Truly proud and happy for her best friend.

Continuing to go by, the sun began staying out later with the warming temperatures of spring. By this time, the Queen looked ready to pop. Having little to no complications during her pregnancy, Hermione was happy with the progression. Yet, something continued to nag at her. Not able to pinpoint it, it became a tab that remained open.

Most days were filled with little to do, besides wait with worry. There had been no word from the group for two months, whereas before there were simple letters stating they were fine. Beginning to worry, Hermione spent most days pacing or listening to the Queen and helping her with what she needed. Today, was one of those days that the worry was driving her crazy.

"Amelia, sit. Try and relax today, your nerves are building my nerves and that does not help anyone." The Queen finally spoke

Taking a seat as instructed, "I'm sorry. It's just that I'm worried, we have heard no news. They typically say no news is good news but, not when there is a raging war looming over our heads!"

Sighing, taking the girl's hand in her own. "I know you are scared, have a little faith in them. You said that Harry is the boy that can not die. Have faith in his abilities, you have taught him much. You have given him wisdom. But right now we're going to have to deal with our own minor problem."

Raising her brows, "What?"

"My water just broke." 

Thank you for reading 😊 stay safe and healthy!

Until next time ~DQ 🩵

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