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WC: 1141

Disclaimer I don't own Harry Potter or its characters.

Letting the silence hang over them, Hermione was consumed with the thought of not truly understanding Draco's life. Never giving each other a chance, assuming Draco had it fairly easy. Granted, the war was hell on everyone. Certain parties clearly didn't have it as easy as they had portrayed it to be. Eating the rest of the food Harry brought in silence, each not knowing how to proceed. Harry who was of pureblood parents, wasn't raised that way. He was raised a muggle; he had no inclination of the traditional ways. With those muggles being worse than some pureblood parents. But that was a story for another time and a lot more alcohol. Draco stood saying he was heading to bed, shuffling to grab a pillow and blanket. Finding a home on the floor, settling down for the night.

Cleaning up the small mess, Hermione took one of the beds watching Ginny and Blaise come in. Deciding to wait until morning to update them, Hermione closed her eyes allowing sleep to consume her. It didn't seem long enough, but she woke before everyone again. Slipping out of the tent easily, not seeing Sir William anywhere. She shrugged it off, heading to be able to see what she could of the rising sun. Enjoying the serenity of being alone. Before she knew it, Ginny had found her beckoning her to get ready with the rest of them. 

Making their way back to the tent that had already been taken down, Harry carrying her satchel. Returning it as soon as she made her way next to him. Ensuring that everything was where it needed, listening as Sir William began to speak.

"We will be riding north, stopping at this point here." Pausing to ensure that everyone saw it on his map, including theirs, "Try to not use any magic of any sort, only use it if your life becomes in danger or one of the group. However, there should be no problems moving forward from here. Let's head out."

Hermione closed her bag, turning to join Harry on a horse. However, he was already up on the saddle with Sir William. Pivoting to find Ginny with Blaise, her hopes crashed as she turned to the last horse that was already occupied by the one and only Malfoy.

"You've got to be joking..." Hermione voiced, not impressed

Harry turned to see what the problem was, "Sorry 'Moine."

Spinning, "Will you switch Zambini?"

"No, just get on the horse. I'm sure that Draco has more experience on a horse than you do. If we need to sprint, Ginny is going to need me. It's just to ensure that we all stay safe through this. Just sit in front and enjoy the ride, Hermione." Blaise spoke moving his horse to join Sir William

Huffing at his ignorance, she moved to the last horse. Draco moved to offer his hand to the girl, who scowled at it. Nevertheless, took it.

"Let's go our Gryffindor princess. Your prince is awaiting you," Draco smirked

Swinging up onto the horse gracefully, she resisted the urge to hit the boy behind her. "When we get home, you're dead."

"Always with the threats. I'm starting to think that you will never go through with them."

"Shut up."

Catching up to the others, they moved with a hurried pace. Hermione had so many questions popping into her mind. Yet, she worried now was not the time to be asking them. What most of them didn't know was she was indeed a good rider, she'd asked for riding lessons every summer since she was six. Even when she found out she was a witch, it was something she enjoyed. However, riding at this pace was something she wasn't accustomed to. It had been a couple of years since she had gone riding. Yet, it was something she'd missed.

Her parents encouraged it due to being the only thing that she seemed to enjoy that did not revolve around books. Looking at her friends, Ginny was leaning on Blaise. It almost looked like she was sleeping, knowing her she probably was. She could sleep almost anywhere! Harry appeared to be enjoying this mode of transportation. It appeared Sir William and he were having an in-depth conversation.

After another hour of riding, they finally took a break. Checking over the map, setting checkpoints. Duplicating the checkpoints onto the other maps for each party, Sir William felt it necessary once closer to these areas. Ensuring each party had it and it was in a secure location, he mounted his horse once again. Everyone followed his example, starting off with a walk. Enjoying the slower pace, Hermione peered behind them. Something wasn't settling right. Ginny had Blaise move to walk beside them.

"Everything okay, 'Moine?" Ginny asked, noticing that Hermione continued to gaze behind them

Letting out a breath, looking around. "I don't know. Just something doesn't feel right, almost like we're starting to be followed."

Ginny took it upon herself to look around, "There isn't anyone around us."

"I know, that is obvious. Just something isn't right."

"Malfoy." Ginny gained his attention, noticing he was zoned out behind the lass

"Yes Weaslette?"

Ignoring his nickname, "Take this. I'd feel better if it was with you two."

Taking the object and placing it in his own satchel. "I am one of the strongest in our party, I can understand your reasoning."

"Actually, it's because of Hermione. Don't mean to deflate your ego." Ginny smirked

Hermione could almost feel the eye roll, causing her to smile. She rode along a little longer, remaining beside her friend. Feeling Draco move a hand around her, she noticed that they had slowly gathered together once again. Continuing to proceed forward. Each party took notice of the gathering they'd obtained, keeping it discrete to moving together.

"Whatever happens try to be careful with what you do." Sir William spoke, and the other parties understood that he was suggesting their magic

"Be careful you guys," Hermione spoke, as they started to split

"Ferret, you better take care of 'Moine or else!" Ginny yelled back

Feeling the change in air, they knew the company had finally caught up to them. In a split second, spells were being thrown their way, being shielded by the abundance of trees. But it wasn't enough.

"Who put the shield up?" Harry asked holding on, pushing their horses to run

"Me!" Hermione shouted

"I thought you couldn't do wandless!"

Draco took this time to mock his superior, "Well, Potter, there seems to be something you don't know about the princess."

Seeing Harry shake his head turning to fire spells back at whoever it was.

"You two go, we'll hold them off!" Draco spoke, turning the horse around

"Are you two sure?" Ginny asked, concern written on her face

Hermione smiled softly, "You said it yourself, we're the best of our age. Just be safe!"

"You too, 'Moine!" Watching them hurry off

They have split apart in this unknown world. Do you think they will get back together without injuries? What will happen when they're split apart? 

Until next Monday at noon! Would you rather have a different time? Until then stay safe and with love ~DQ

P.S. This story is complete so this will be on a set schedule every week. As a reminder. :)

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