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WC: 1245

Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter or its characters.

Draco grabbed Hermione's hand, walking to one of the studies. Spotting their tea already there, Hermione took Amelia for the time. The two elder ladies sat beside one another, one looking increasingly confused. It seems she'd been out of the loop for a lot.

"How long have you two been together?" Narcissa started

They looked at each other, smiling softly. "Officially a day. Unofficially, six months or so."

Watching her swallow before proceeding with her follow-up question. "Why is this the first time I've heard about this Draco?"

Smirking, he turned the floor over to Hermione. She launched into the retelling of the last eleven months. Draco would input his thoughts in occasionally, leaving most of it up to Hermione. She paused, spotting the man who had just been in discussion. Teddy ran to him, bringing him in. Introducing everyone, Hermione continued the retelling. By this time, they felt they could show the baby to Narcissa and Andromeda. They watched them coo at the baby, asking several questions directed at the duo and Columba.

"This is a lot to take in," Andromeda spoke

Scuffing, "If I hadn't lived it, I wouldn't be able to believe it."

Smacking Draco's leg gently, "Can I ask you a favor Andromeda?"

"What is it, dear?"

"I'm going to visit my parents; I had every intention of taking Amelia. I received word from Kingsley this morning. He doesn't want her to leave the country. Would you be willing to watch her?"

"Of course! Why are you going to see them?"

Looking down, "If you hadn't noticed, I had a strong glamour charm placed on me. While most of my features remained, my hair and eye color changed drastically. I found out it was because I'm a pureblood. After all my fights and all I went through, I found out my parents are also purebloods. So, I'm going to address it with them. Along with other topics."

"Bloody hell. You did learn a lot in your time away. Is your family tree complete now?"

"Yeah. Queen Hermione helped me greatly."

"It helps that most of those in that time had the purest blood. What will you do while they are gone?" Andromeda looked to Columba

"Continue trying to figure out this new world. It is vastly different."

"We can help you with that, young man." Narcissa spoke up finally, "Andromeda, you can stay with me. It will be nice to reacquaint with one another after many years apart."

"If that is fine with them, I have no problem."

Draco nodded, "Thank you for helping us."

"We are family. That is what they do." Andromeda smiled at her nephew

Continuing to chat, time flew by before any of them knew it. Lunch had passed, and it was now dinner. Making their way to the dining hall and settling down, their conversation never stopped.

"We could plan a welcome back party for your lot. Just those who know about your untimely adventure. We can make it a dinner." Andromeda suggested

"No, we don't have to do that." Hermione and Draco shook their heads at the notion

"Of course we do! It will be fun! It has been a while since these walls have heard music, laughter, and kids. Blaise and Ginny can come along with their families if they choose. Harry will enjoy seeing everyone in one place!" Andromeda countered

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