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WC: 1151

Disclaimer I don't own Harry Potter or its characters.

Detouring to the lab, taking them to the small bookcase. With only a handful of books, hidden behind mounds of supplies. Hermione took the initiative to begin flipping through books, handing off the list for the potion to the Queen. Paying no mind to her wandering around the lab, pulling all the ingredients out to the table. Returning the books, to find the Queen smiling. 

"I had everything. A few of the things were hidden, those were some of the trickier bits to find lately. But this is for a good cause to use it. Should I have someone call for the boys?"

Nodding, "If we have all the ingredients, absolutely. The sooner this can be taken care of, the better."

With that, the Queen left them for the time being. Hermione beginning to work on setting up. Hearing the door open once more, the group entered with the Queen. After going over everything, they would begin their task. It was set to take at least three hours. During that time, the Queen would come and go. Draco and Hermione took charge of making the potion. Doing what they needed, working together effortlessly. Toward the end, they let their concoction simmer.

"Alright, now that that is done. Have you figured out who will offer the blood?"

"Blaise and I will," Harry spoke up

"Alright, now it is up for the phrase." Hermione muttered, "It has to be two of us. Then the last person has to seal it."

"I'll do that." Ginny was the next to speak up

Suppressing the groan, "Alright Malfoy, looks like it is up to you and me to create the phrase. Do you want to plan or wing it?"

Smirking, "Let's wing it, they come out better in those instances."

"Of course, you want to wing it." Muttering under her breath.

Having everyone recall what they would be doing, before pacing the small room. Checking in on the potion on each pass, noticing it finally changing to what they needed it too. Placing the object in front of it ensures that the final piece is ready.

"Alright you two, let's get ready. Queen, please stand back." Hermione spoke, herding the group into position

Watching Blaise pick up the blade, "Should I start it off?"

"Yes, Harry be sure to follow quickly. Once we start we do not stop for any reason." Hermione explained

Thus, beginning the process. Following the steps thoroughly, everyone was doing what was required of them. Blaise and Harry offered their blood into the potion, with Hermione watching over it as Ginny began the binding spell. Dipping the blade into the potion, coating it in the substance. Once brought out Ginny was able to finalize the first part of the spell, watching it change. Creating a barrier around the blade, transforming it. With the end of the spell complete, it was now, it was the duo's turn. Looking at each other, it was time to wing it. But as soon as they looked at each other, it came to them.

"The Prince and Princess." Nodding to each other, after speaking together they felt a pulse

"Queen, please leave," Hermione spoke quickly, moving to block her

Waiting for the door to shut, it seemed to have waited for her to leave before. Feeling another pulse, being pushed back into the walls. Ginny moved quickly; hearing Hermione tell her that it was time to finish the second portion of the spell. All moving closer again, watching what was happening. Feeling the room starting to shake, surprised by the blast that hit them. 

Knocking them back into the wall, keeping their eyes on the object seeing what appeared to be a coating surrounding it. Just as Hermione wanted. With one last burst, the room started to settle. Hearing the Queen asking if everything was okay, a panic that was growing when no one answered her. One of them moved to open the door, allowing her back in. Checking on everyone, coming to Hermione last seeing her head.

"Oh my, your head."

"What?" Swiveling, feeling the effects. "Wow." Putting a hand to the back of her head

"We should get you to one of the healers."

"No, I'll be fine." Going to move forward, becoming dizzy. She felt an arm catch her around her waist. "Maybe, that is a good idea after all." The lightheaded feeling came in full force

She gasped when hands moved to lift her up, surprised to see it was Draco. Smirking at her, but it wasn't his smart-ass one. With the Queen leading the way, making their way to the healers. By this point, Hermione had wrapped her arms around the boy's neck. She refused to look at the boy once again, hoping the boy wouldn't prank her and try and drop her.

"Granger, you're not going to fall. I'm not that much of an ass." Draco spoke as if reading her mind

"Yeah, well some might not chance it! Oh, merlin my head..." She groaned

"Just be quiet for now. I've got you." Hearing the girl in his arms sigh

Lying her head on his shoulder, trying to relax not wanting it to jostle any more than what it already had. Stiffening up slightly, Draco was not prepared for her to do that. It was unexpected but what he would never admit out loud was that it felt nice. Slightly embarrassing that he was taking comfort in enjoying that she was relaxing in his arms.

"Cornealious, what the hell is going on?"

"Not now, Malfoy. Please. After I take Amelia to the healers we will go and discuss what happened in the library."

"Is she okay?"

"We won't know that until after the healers check on her. You know where my library is, go there and wait for me." Hearing him comply, he left in the direction instructed

Making their way the last few feet to the med bay, hearing the Queen instruct the boy where to put the girl down. Leaving him to go and get a healer. Hearing the Queen begin to instruct the healers. It wasn't anything that Draco paid attention to, watching the girl in the bed slumber.

Taking in the appearance of the room, finding it just like the hospital wing in Hogwarts. Why these rooms were so boring? He could never understand, they could at least be somewhat lively. From what Harry and Hermione spoke of muggle hospitals were bright places that assisted healing.

With almost ten minutes passing, only then did someone arrive. The Queen looked unimpressed at the situation, crossing her arms. Watching over the healer, they begin healing Hermione's head wound. Draco sat and watched the situation, watching the tension rise. After she was healed, the healer got up leaving them once again. This time returning in record time, turning to the Queen with a bottle of unknown substance.

"Speak to Mr. Black about this, as he will be the one to take care of her." A certain hostility in her tone

What did you think? I felt the potion/binding came up a little short, but it worked... Please leave it some love if you did enjoy! Until next week! ~DQ <3

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