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WC: 1080

Disclaimer I don't own Harry Potter or its characters.

Hearing Draco laugh first, "Granger doesn't know something? I never thought I'd see the day."

"Oh, bugger off." Hermione chuckled

"If she had the chance, she would try to read every book you have in this room."

"You like to read?" Draco scuffed along with Harry

"Does she ever, bloody women read most of the books that were in the library at Hogwarts."

"I can speak for myself!" Hermione spoke up to Draco, who smirked. Turning to quiet down to say, "Yes, I do."

"Please, you can ask to view my private collection at any time."

Smiling bright, "Thank you! That means a lot!"

"You're welcome. Back to more pressing matters, this war continued through the years. Yet, this time around you fought off the leader at only 17?" Turning to Harry

"Yeah," Harry answered, sighing not wanting to deal with the hero business here too

Seeing her shake her head, clear disbelief on her face. "So young. Your family must be proud."

"The ones that I have, I guess are. Their leader killed my parents when I was just a baby, then my godfather was killed by the leader's right hand after he made his return. My friends are my family."

"Merlin." She returned to her seat, "Now, you're back to dealing with rouge wizards who still believe that line of thinking?"

"I feel that that's typical for these situations."

"Sadly, yes." She spoke, "And the rest of you? Did you lose people close?"

"I lost an older brother who was a twin," Ginny spoke

Blaise shook his head, indicating he hadn't lost anyone. However, Draco looked down at his hands. "My father ended up dead, we're not sure if he killed himself or was killed."

"I guess I was the lucky one, my parents ended up surviving they've just moved on to create a new family."

"A new family?" Ginny asked

"Yeah, in Australia. They had a little boy after they moved there."

"You never said anything," Ginny replied, upset at being left out

"What's there to say? The parents that have disowned me, had a new child. Began a life away from magic, as magic only tore them apart."

Silencing the room with a simple statement. A conversation that had been avoided. One that she'd had with Draco, yet, never thought to have with her friends.

"Well, do you know how long you will be here? Or is that something you don't know?"

Shaking their heads, "No, there isn't a timeline I can even begin to calculate at this point. I have to start going through my notes and fixing the-."

"Cornealious! Open this door at once!"

Watching her try to hide a sigh, she got up and walked to the door. "This should only take a moment." Opening the door to reveal a man who looked all too like Malfoy. "What do I owe the pleasure of seeing you today?"

"Oh please, if you would just answer me. Your lot has a lot of nerve Cornealious."

"That is Queen, to your lot Malfoy."

"You shouldn't even be Queen you half-blood lover."

"Oh, cut the act. But you won't will you because you're a mindless follower, because it is easier to kill those that are considered threats or have them go missing than stand up for the wrongs."

"I don't kill people..." They continued their rant

Ginny nudged Blaise gaining his attention. "You know they sound like a couple of people we know."

Hearing her comment, "Do not!" Hermione and Draco jumped to a conclusion

"Oh, please Granger, you love to prove when you are right."

"Shut it! You don't have room to talk, you're normally the one to start it. Not my fault that you're wrong."

Draco smirked, "I think you just enjoy finding fights and I'm the only one that challenges you."

"Guys, can you stop." Harry tried

"I look for fights?" Hermione questioned, "Who started this one?"

Shrugging at the girl, he could see it infuriate her more. "Maybe it's just fun to see you take the offered bait. You always seem to take it. Have to make sure that your pride doesn't become scarce."


"My pride?" Hermione scuffed, "Who is it that punched you and, in the end, kicked your ass in school."

"I let you beat me in school, it gave me more ground to pick on you."

"So, you let me punch you too? Wow, I feel privileged." Turning snarky, overstepping the lines in their newfound friendship

"Watch it, Granger." Feeling her hit on some nerves he never got over

"Or what? Will it hurt your pride?" She asked sarcastically

"Excuse me, are you two finished?" The Queen asked, cutting in and stopping the heated discussion quickly

"Yes," Hermione spoke, smirking at the boy who didn't get to have his last word

"You are more than welcome to finish on your own time."

Settling back into the chair, she tried her best not to gloat at the boy. "It's just the sexual tension they've had since their first year," Ginny spoke, smirking to Blaise. It was perfect seeing both their jaws drop in astonishment.

"There is no sexual tension!" Both exclaimed, sitting back in their chairs and looking at anything but each other at this point

"Dear Merlin! Enough! Are these two always this bad?" The Queen turned to Harry who started nodding, rubbing his face. Turning to the young girl who was sitting up ready to say something to her friend. "Enough." She pointed at the girl, who sat back. "I will set you up in rooms, then prepare yourselves for dinner after your long travels. Sir William, show him out."

"You still remembered I was here, yet you temporarily forgot my name."

Moving past the man, "I don't see the need to use it." She scowled, having the group follow her lead through the castle

"I will be putting you in two rooms near the library. That way you can do your research at your convenience."

Hermione smiled, "Thank you, we appreciate that."

Showing them to the rooms, they were meager rooms. The Queen added another bed for the boy's room, "Dinner will be in two hours. I will send clothes and maids to help you adjust."

Hermione looked up, "Don't worry about clothes for me, I'll be in the library."

"No, you will not. You are here as my guest, so you will be at dinner." Before leaving, the Queen turned to the group one last time. "You will need to think of changing your names or surnames, to better suit this period of time. Do let me know." 

Let's just add another annoyance ;)  Thank you for supporting the story! Hope you are enjoying. Please leave the story some love if you are. Until next week, stay safe with love ~DQ <3

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