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WC: 1235

Disclaimer I don't own Harry Potter or its characters.

Draco sat back down with the group, leaving a silence hanging. Hermione stood with her bag, taking it over to the only desk. Pulling out papers, starting whatever it was. Ginny walked over speaking quietly with her, with Blaise joining soon after. Leaving Harry to look at Draco and the only chess board in the tent. Sighing, Draco acknowledged his desperate eyes to play having nothing better to be doing.

Time dragged on, with Draco winning almost every match against Harry. He began to make mistakes because he felt bad that he was for lack of better terms: wiping the floor with him. Not believing that he could be feeling bad for the boy across from him. Finally, Harry sat back clear that he was done getting his ass kicked. Looking over to their friend, they noticed that she was alone. Moving to see what she was doing, they noticed there were papers neatly placed atop the desk.

"What's going on over here, 'Moine? Where did Ginny and Blaise go?" Harry asked gently to not startle her

"This is a little something I've been working on in my free time. They said something about going off on a dinner date." Hermione stopped her gaze finally meeting her best friend

"Seriously? Are you hungry?" Nodding to give him a response, "I'll run and grab us some food. Be back in a little bit."

Watching her friend storm out of the tent, she heard him talking to someone. Presumably, William, hearing the talking drift off into the distance.

"Since everyone has left us. What is it you're working on?" Draco asked leaning against the desk, overlooking her work

Shrugging, she sat back in the chair peering at the nuisance of her life. "I've been working on my family tree; I've gotten some information and was just putting it within the right sections."

"This isn't something that is handed down from parents to kids in the muggle world?" Displaying his confusion on the matter

"At one point they did have it, unfortunately during the war it didn't survive. I saved what I could but, death eaters intercepted me and burnt the house to the ground. Thankfully when they moved, they took what they wanted with them."

If he wasn't baffled before, he was even more so now. "They moved before they got to them?"

Playing with her hands, removing her eyes not wanting him to see her embarrassment. "I had adjusted their memories, to make them forget me. It was safer for them. It was only recently that I was able to track them down and reverse what I'd done to them. They weren't happy. That doesn't even graze the emotions they relented onto me when I told them what I did."

"I'm sorry," Draco spoke, not understanding why he felt he should comfort the girl beside him. Softening his hardened features, even feeling his shoulders relax. 

Shaking her head, she glanced back at the boy. "Don't be. They're alive at least and that's what matters."

"Where did you find them, if it took you this long to find them?"

Scuffing in her own disbelief, "They decided to move to Australia. I guess they had thought about doing that before they had me. However, my mum found out that she was pregnant. So, they decided to stay here."

"Have you been able to visit them much?"

"No, only a couple of times. The first time was to fix their memories, I was only there for a couple of hours. The next time they'd called for me to come. That's when they told me they were going to stay there. I've gone back only a couple other times. They're still pissed, it is something I need to accept."

"I understand why you did it. It's better that they forget you than you have to live with the thought of them never being around. Never getting the chance to run into them to see that they're okay."

"Have you been reading my thoughts?" Hermione chuckled softly, "That sounds close to what I told them!"

Seeing him chuckling, "No, I've been being a good boy." Throwing his hands up, finally receiving a small smile from the girl. It might have been small, but it was worth the effort. "Seriously though, I would have done the same thing in your shoes."

"It was one of the hardest decisions I've had to make. But at least I have this to work on, well I did. I was trying to find out where my magic came from. Yet, I've found squat."

"How do you do that?" Hermione looked at him surprised that he was curious about the process.

"I can't do any of that here, there aren't the records. The farthest I can go back is around 1091. That isn't too bad, don't get me wrong. Yet I couldn't find anyone with magical abilities. My dad's side is just the same. My mom's side has been harder and some of it is guesswork right now."

"The Malfoy's name started to arise in England around 1059. The mansion was finished around 1065, and during that time they decided to start the family business..."

"The family business?"

"When their blood supremacy would start, and they would start the first war that involved the muggles," Draco answered, shocked he hadn't thought of that before

"If that is the dark side, we know what time we are in!" Hermione smiled, standing to hug the boy. Releasing him quickly, Draco not having recovered from the sudden contact. "That was all we needed. Some point to link to this period! Now if that's right, we can start to think of what they had at this time and maybe get home! Why didn't I think of that?"

"Think of what?" Harry asked, walking back in alone

Hermione rushed to him, "To link a point in history to what we've learned from the time we have been here. If Malfoy's history is correct, we should be around the year 1065."

"How'd he figure that out?"

"We were talking about my family tree and then he started to talk about his. Thus, connecting the dots." Hermione beamed to her friend proud of what they'd accomplished. 

Harry smiled at the duo, proud of what they could accomplish as a team. "See what happens when you two can work together. You work off from each other and find a solution."

She shook her head, trying to wave him off. "Yeah, as long as we are right!"

"Malfoy, you don't seem overly joyed."

Walking back to the couch, joining the dynamic duo. "I just offered the history; it was all Granger."

"You started to conversation. So, we both contributed to it. You know your family history so that helps a lot!" Hermione beamed to him, trying to uplift him. 

Scowling, not liking the memories that this recollection brought. "It's not like there was a choice, all Malfoy's are required to memorize it."

"Really?" Harry asked surprised starting to dig into the food he brought back for them

Accepting the food that was being offered, picking at it to start. "Yeah, we go through our own education before we enter Hogwarts. All Malfoys have gone through it. If they don't make it they are obliviated, disowned, or worse."

Hermione looked at him, trying to figure out if he was being sarcastic. Yet, there was nothing but seriousness. "That's horrible." Uttering out, astonished at what the boy was saying.

"It's not always better to come from a purebred line." 

We got a little Dramione interaction that wasn't fighting :) How are you liking the progression of the story so far? Hopefully, you're fancying the story, if not leave me some constructed criticism. Until next time, stay safe with love ~DQ <3

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