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WC: 1260

Disclaimer I don't own Harry Potter or its characters.

Nodding, shifting to Draco. Showing a small vial that had a pink hue to it, "This will be administered every hour when you wake her, it is one drop under the tongue for eight hours. After that, you will administer this one." Presenting the next vial, "This one is a pain killer that should be given only every two hours. It includes the benefit of aiding in reducing nausea. This can be given every four hours after she wakes."

"Okay." Draco took the vials, depositing them in a pocket

"Was anyone else hurt?"

Shaking his head, "No, she seemed to have taken the brunt of what happened." Not sure what exactly happened, neither had read anything like this occurring. They would definitely make note of this, so no one else had this happen.

"Very well then if you and the others are okay. If anything does come up, I will be more than happy to assist you. For now, follow my instructions precisely. After the first two hours only then can others visit for short durations."

Acknowledging her, watching the healer leave. The Queen announced that she too would take her leave, as she needed to deal with the other Malfoy. Smirking at her annoyance, she left by means of stopping in the healer's office before leaving. Now alone, he grabbed a chair plopping beside the girl's bed. The first ten minutes of sitting there wasn't bad, it was the next five that became the problem. 

There was only so much to look at, grabbing the girl's purse. Not caring that it was an invasion of privacy. Finding what he wanted, pulling it out. Seeing the research she'd been working on; it would at least give him something to work on while sitting there for the next few hours.

Sticking to the schedule that was given to him for a few hours, at the two-hour mark she had her first visitor. Rotating through the group, checking on her ensuring that everything was fine. Having a short spiel down, he'd mastered it by the time Harry came in. Rolling his eyes, he could never understand how they didn't have feelings given how much they cared for one another. 

Once he was left alone once again, he returned to the papers. And there were a lot. Having already begun to jot notes, hopefully, these theories or ideas that he'd remembered would assist. At the four-hour mark, he's finished all the paperwork on her family tree moving on to other papers. Finishing those in an hour, he sighed bored and tired. Surprised when he looked over to the bed to see the girl waking, moving to sit up.

"Hey." She mumbled, rubbing her head and groaning

"Hey. How are you feeling?" Draco asked, sitting in the chair properly taking his feet off the bed

Scuffing, "Like someone hit me with a bludger."

Spotting the time, "You still have another hour before you can have more painkillers."

"Great." Moving to swing her legs off the bed, feeling slightly dizzy

Noticing this, he helped her to remain on the bed. "You need to stay resting, probably laying down is the best."

Raising a brow to him, "Who told you that?"

"No one. I do know some things." Smirking to the girl

"Oh really?" Joking back at the boy beside her. "I really hate hospitals; can we at least go to the library?"

Sighing, "You should really stay here and rest."

Shaking her head slowly, "No. Please, I'll rest there better than I will here."

Refraining from rolling his eyes, "Fine, but I'm coming with you. Someone needs to keep an eye on you, and make sure you take the medicine like you're supposed."


Standing on shaky legs, grabbing onto Draco's arm. Not saying anything, he allowed her to grip him. She took him by surprise when she slipped her arm around him, holding fast to him. Grabbing her purse, they started the trek to the library. Hermione never let go of Draco, while Draco absorbed the attention he was receiving from said girl. Never wanting to admit that out loud. Reaching the final destination, they saw the Queen and the other Malfoy sitting there. Draco raised an eyebrow surprised that they were still talking after many hours.

"Her-. Amelia, what the bloody hell are you doing out of bed?" The Queen rushed to her other side, helping to settle her on one of the many couches

Making a face at sitting down, "I hate hospitals and I know that I'll relax better here than I do there." Taking her purse from the boy that sat beside her, "Plus, I have a list that needs to be finished. I can't do that lying down anywhere."

Removing the papers from her purse and set them down. It dawned on her that maybe Draco could help her. Watching him take them with a smirk. "I've read through these already."

Nodding, not catching what he said at first. "Wait, what?"

"I read them already."

"How? They've been in my purse- Draco!" seeing the smirk grow even larger. "You went through my purse? There could have been something personal or private in there!" Whacking his arm a couple of times

Rubbing his arm, frowning at the girl. "Sometimes I feel like I get the worst out of our relationship." Hearing Columba burst into laughter

"Ferret..." Hermione groaned, swiping the papers back

Laughing lightly at the girl beside him, "Let's just make the lists, that way we can get what we need. Maybe even decide who will get the ingredients."

"Fine. Only because you can be helpful."

Laughing, he moved closer to see what she began pointing at. Attributing his own thoughts, bouncing ideas back and forth. While he might not be as brilliant as the witch beside him, not admitting that where others could hear, somehow he helped her to process her thoughts. Slowly constructing a list of items they would need to even begin the process, then another that would take it to the finishing process.

Through this, Draco made sure that Hermione took the pain meds that were given. Noticing that they help almost immediately. The Queen came and left frequently leaving the Malfoy to observe the duo as they worked. Taking breaks on and off, per Draco's orders. It took almost two hours for the construction and completion of said list. The Queen left once again, however, when she returned she had the rest of the group and two others.

"I brought Sir William with me as well, as he is very knowledgeable in where to locate items." The Queen explained

"I'm assuming since everyone is here, you have finished the list?" Columba asked

Before she was able to speak, Henry placed a spell on the room. Ensuring that there were no ears listening in when there shouldn't be. "Yeah, we finished it. But we're not sure that any of this is even possible to obtain in these parts. Draco looked up some information here in the library and we could jot down where some of the possible locations were. Other than that, whoever goes on the search for this list will be flying blind."

"Let me see the list," Henry spoke up, receiving the list having Sir William overlooking his shoulder as he read it aloud.

"I should be able to find most of it. There are only a couple of items that will need to be asked around about, it will require some traveling by muggle transportation." Sir William spoke up, seeing Henry and the Queen nod.

"Good. That is really good news." Hermione smiled, "When can we get started?" 

:) Until next week! ~DQ ❤️ 

I hope you have a safe and wonderful holiday season, for whatever you celebrate! I celebrate Christmas so Happy Christmas Eve! 

What is your favorite part of the holiday season or least favorite? 

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