Awakening to a changed new world

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The facility computer systems surge to life as the ai system begins proper scanning of the environment outside. 

"Scans indicate earth's surface is once more safe and habitat able for human life and recolonization. Temperature outside is a pleasant 80 degrees. Awakening onsite Captain Ben O'Brien from cryogenic sleep." The female Ai voice said.

O'Brien cyro pod begin to power down the system keeping him asleep O'Brien soon awoke though he began breathing hard. And as the cyro pod open up he sat up suddenly and shouted while pulling off the oxygen mask. 

"I can't breath in this thing!" O'Brien exclaimed. 

O'Brien looks around after rubbing his eyes and grabbing his weapons that had stored with him.

"Did you have a pleasant rest Captain O'Brien?" The Computer AI asked.

"Aside from not almost not being abke to breath with the air filter on? Yeah the best rest I've had in my life." O'Brien said sarcastically.

 O'Brien after holstering his pistols then grabbed his AR15 rifle pulled out a magazine for it looked at it and and tabbed it against the rifle and inserted it.

" Come to papa. Okay I've been woken from my long sleep. Computer how much has passed" O'Brien said as he went to the old computer terminal.

"You have been asleep for 12,000 gears Captain O'Brien. The surface of earth is once more safe for you to walk upon, all radiation levels have vanished. Along with all known pollution. And the ocean levels have stabilized, but the bore holes in the North & and South poles remain open so the ocean levels tend to rise and lower at random. However I am not detecting any known human activity. My scans are picking up multiple mediocre and radio signals, it is unknown if they are a threat or will attempt to size this facilities fire arms. " The computer AI said.

"12,000 years?! Man, I slept longer then I thought......oh man but if your picking up radio signals that's good. That means I'm not alone as I feared I would be. Computer I need to see the locations of where dose signals are coming from. And determined if humans have return and colonize the surface again. I need to know who I am dealing with right now. And contact Alterna." O'Brien said taking a seat in front of a computer while typing on the keyboard.

"Of course captain O'Brien. Now mapping the region, and any settlements. Scanning for any signs of human life." The computer AI said.

O'Brien got a view of a map of the region.

O'Brien got a view of a map of the region

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"Scans complete. I have mapped everything in the local region. Captain O'Brien no human life activity is showing or responding in Alterna. " the Computer AI said.

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