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Ben having delivered the final blow then walked toward Octavia who very pissed off yet severely wounded. 

"it's over Octavia." Ben said.

"This is not over! You think you've won! I'll just find another way to steal the great zapfish!" Octavia said laying on the ground looking at Ben.

"What if I offer you an alternative power source? So you won't have to steal the great Zapfish any more. The facility my father sent me to has a number of portable electric generators enough to supply power to all your settlements. No more having to steal from each other society's. The Octarians and Inkling can have peace like you once did hundred years ago. And the power we'll never run out. But I only will supply the generators if you stand your army down. And stop prioritising your Octo super weapons and actually fix your society. Otherwise after today their won't be any power for your people and your society will crumble on itself." Ben said making Octavia furious.

"I world rather die then make a deal with a human who sides with the very inklings who were content to let my people die in the flood!" Octavia said.

"A flood that that ended up lowering to stable levels right after the great turf war ended. That war wasn't about the flood theirs more to the story isn't it. You were friends with the legendary captain cuttlefish. And I don't think you would have abandoned your friendship when you could have just asked him to grant the Octalings safety in inkopolis till the water levels stabilized. And I imagine he would have agreed. But something happen between you both that turned you into enemies and made you declare war not long after." Ben said.

"Oh you think you have it all figured out don't you?! You know nothing!" Octavia said angrily.

Well what was it then?! Was it out of desperation for power and need for dry land, or was the flood just an excuse for you to make war and size power for yourself!? Do you even care about your people or was it all just a lie so you can take from them their freedoms and control them with this fucking hypno technology the same damm crap that evil men used on children and adults alike 12,000 years ago, and your doing exactly what those damm tyrants did!" Ben demanded and said.

"I don't have to answer to the likes of you!  But if I had known where your facility was I would have taken those power generators for myself and used their power just as I used the great Zapfish power  to conquer inkopolis and Splatsville. I make no excuse for my actions! Especially after what Captain cuttlefish did! And I do all again!" Octavia said angrily.

"You never cared for your people, weather they were loyal or not. They were always just slaves to you. That's why you brainwash them and do worse to those who resist or try and flee, or ask for change. I wouldn't be shocked if you treated your family if you have any the same way." Ben said.

"A true king has no loyal subjects or family! Just pawns and minions to do my bidding without asking any questions! That's all they have been to me since the Great Turf War." Octavia said which earned him very angry looks from the free 50 octaling girls, and Nadia, whom really wanted to splat him, and many of the Octalings in the Arena whom were shocked by Octavia defeat and declaration that his war against the inkings was never to save them.

"I can't believe I and my squad mates never had stood up to you Octavia. You truly are not my king." Nadia said angered by Octavia words.

"Your even worse then the history books in school say you are Octavia!" Anna said angrily.

"I should have crushed you agent 4 and splatted the rest of you traitors while I had the chance.....ghaaa!!!!" Octavia said and screamed out as Anna and Nadia kicked him quite hard.

Splatoon/The Lone human survivor (Male human Character x harem 18+ )Where stories live. Discover now