Suction-Cup Lookout Missions part 1

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Ben & Anna reached the Octarian territory Suction-Cup Lookout.

(Ben POV)

"Alright where are we?" I asked looking around.

"You've arrived at Suction-Cup Lookout." Marie said.

Shelton who is also on the calm says. "Agent 4 take this with you. It'll help me gather some practical battle data." Shelton said with Anna gaining a roller.

"Ooh nice now I can splat Octarians up close!" Anna said eagerly.

"A roller paint item. That is weird for a melee weapon." Ben said as its usually used for paint.

"Let's keep moving." Marie said.

"Your not even here Marie don't you mean me and Ben?" Anna said with sarcasm while gigging. Even I just had laugh.

"I swear to cod agent 4!" Marie shouted.

"Come on Marie even you got to admit Anna has a point." I said as Anna and I kept moving going up the launch pad taking out Octarian as we went.Anna really enjoying crushing the Octarians up close.

"Look out Octo pods incoming!" Marie warned.

"I got them!" I said as I blew with the m203 grenades or with bullets from the rifle

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"I got them!" I said as I blew with the m203 grenades or with bullets from the rifle. Anna just smashed the remainder.

"Oh this is fun!" Anna said joyfully.

"Heck yeah!" I said with a cheer. 

We come across Octo bombers, Marie definitely dose not like them. Not even hard to deal with them as I can blast them with the bambzooler or shoot them with the AR15.

We even came across Octohurlers.

"By the way Octohurlers throw Rolonuim at you

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"By the way Octohurlers throw Rolonuim at you.I thought you might want to know." Marie said.

"Already figured that part out!" I said I blew up one of them with the m203 grenade and splatted another with the bambzooler.

"There's a launchpad in the back, but you have to get past those Octohurlers." Marie said.

"Thanks Mom I was on totally different track." Anna said sarcastically as she already guessed the answer.

"Thanks for the tip anyway Marie." I said.

"At least someone likes my advice." Marie said.

Regardless we smashed our way thru the Octarians, and freed another zapfish.

Shelton of course is pleased as he gained more data. And told us how we can upgrade the ink type weapons. My rifle and pistols don't need as their fully upgraded and have large ammo magazines. I certainly however upgrade the bambzooler.

After returning to base another zapfish to Marie. Anna & I head to another kettle holding each other in a hug and going to another section of the Octarian territory.

Anna & I kissed and hugged some more but quickly focused on the task at hand so marie doesn't  get mad. Shelton passes some more weapons to Ann called hero dulies. Which are basically ink pistols.

Anna & I fought more Octarians and would Travel on winding rails. Cool! Good thing I brought my hover broad. "Hey Anna think you can keep up?! Whew!" I said cheerfully as I pulled my hover board out letting me go across the winding rail.

 "Hey Anna think you can keep up?! Whew!" I said cheerfully as I pulled my hover board out letting me go across the winding rail

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"Wow that's so cool Ben!" Anna said in awe as she slides across the ink covered winding rails herself on her feet.

You got to be careful not to fall off when jumping on winding rails like this Agent 12 & Agent 4. Although that hover board Agent 12 is rather impressive." Marie said.

"Hey thanks." I said. Which probably made Marie blush.

We take out Octarians while on the winding rails easily, I just splat these guys with the bambzooler. Anna dose so with the hero dualies.

That's look like fun. Sometimes I wish I was the one risking my life our there...." Marie was saying when Anna said.

"You out here in danger hah! You probably freak out and run away scared." Anna said taughting Marie.

"Honestly Marie do you even know how to fight?" I asked.

"What!....why of course I do.... I just prefer to use a charger rifle." Marie said.

"Fair enough. At least she can fight Anna." I said Anna rolled her eyes to this.

The winding rails is long but we reach new platforms and mop the floor with any Octarian with ease freeing yet again another zapfish.

We return to base with another Zapfish passing too Marie is very pleased by the progress were making.

"You know Ben when this is over..." Marie was saying but Anna who is not pleased by Marie I trying to flirt me says. While hugging my arm and pulling me away from Marie.

"Sorry Marie but its like you said, the Zapfish won't save themselves. Hehehe!" Anna said sticking her tongue at Marie. Of course Marie not being so pleased by Anna keeping all of Ben attention decided to throw an ink ball at Anna. Which really ticked Anna off. 

"Hey! Marie!" Anna exclaimed as her hair and head is covered in ink while Marie chuckled.

"Come on Anna I'm sure Marie feels just as annoyed that you said exactly what she said." I said to Anna who rubbed her head and look at me with her red eyes.

"I really love you Ben. But I don't like it when another girl like Marie tries to take up your attention." Anna said.

"Anna, look  due to how good looking I am of course Marie is attracted to me. Now granted I'm not making any moves on you or her. As I'm still learning of this new world I'm in. Just don't be a jerk too Marie so much, that's all I'm saying." I told Anna who is considering and pondering my advice

"And if she loves you as much as I do?" Anna asked.

"Worry about that if she confesses she is in love with me as much as you are Anna." I told Anna hugging her while we walk too another kettle, as we got to the next splat it and enter to the next part of our mission.

To be continued...

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