Freeing Mizuta Ahota

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Ben as he left the lab found the photo of his father young as the day Ben last saw him

"Dad what happen to you? Are you still out their somewhere? Asleep in a cyro pod?" Ben said to himself

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"Dad what happen to you? Are you still out their somewhere? Asleep in a cyro pod?" Ben said to himself.

Octavia saw the picture Ben held and said. "That is your father? He looks much younger." Octavio said.

"Huh? Oh well my dad actually is 120 years old the last time I saw him at least. This is what he looked like for more then 100 years old." Ben said which baffled the others cause while retaining their youth for many decades they found evidence humans lived usually 100 years.

"I thought humans could only live hundred years." Octavio said.

"No, that was life for Americans before the second American Civil War. Humans would age, grow old and even lose the ability to do things as their energy decreases and our body health decline,many would walk slower or lose the ability to walk, some would lose their sight, others their hearing, and others their ability to speak, and remember anything. Worse case you suffer all of the above issues with aging. But my father discovered the secrets to longevity, and immortality. He found a way let humans live longer lives as a young person. So even when we reach what is consider old age humans like myself are gonna keeping looking young, and if ever came away I'd I'd die. I'll still look young and handsome. My father was able to from their create the grounds for eternal life. Something he gave to himself, my mom and myself. Course my dad could not exactly solve hair turning gray. His hair use to be blond like mine." Ben said

"how old was your mother?" Anna asked.

"She was around 80 years old when she was killed in the Third World War. She was 60 years old when she gave birth to me, and my dad was 100 years old. I was born at the start of the 22th century it was consider a new Dawn for my home country." Ben said.

Everyone in the group was baffled by this. "So your dad somehow found a way to increase human life spans and youth?!" Anna said.

"He did with alot of Prayer to humanity creator and savior God and Jesus Christ. As he believed only thru them alone could he discover the secrets to longevity and eternal youth, many decades before I was born. However after the flood began to start he was force to dispose of the contents of the serum's to keep it out of the hands of the para militaries. The secrets he took to his grave. Besides from what I've learned is your species is able to live much longer. Though I'm not sure how. Now come on lets go. O'Brien said.

As he lead his team of allies further into the Metro. For the girls and Octavio this meant O'Brien was going to live a long time much like them as they could easily live for centuries before dying of old age.

Ben, his agent friends, and allies would finally find where Mizuta Ahato was. She was in a room where People could party to the DJ music. And for some reason she was laying on her Sound Equipment as if she was tired. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 21 ⏰

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