Octavio fall/ freeing Marie and Callie/ Part 2

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DJ Octavia was surprised by the fact that whoever Ben is, he managed to somehow defeat the squid sisters. And freed agent 4 from her hypno shades. 

"So your the mysterious agent 12 Marie and Callie told me about. It appears I captured the wrong agent. I probably was going to have the squid sisters splatted anyway. Considering your skilled enough to have beaten them."Octavia said making Marie and Callie look up at Octavia with anger that he would have had them disposed of.

" After this you won't touch or hurt the squid sisters, or anyone else again." Ben said.

"I don't know who you are. But I can tell you've seen battle. But I'm just as cableable in fighting inklings like you, and with the power of the Zapfish even without the squid sisters I'm more then a match for you. And Once I'm thru fighting you I will lead the Octarians to conquer inkopolis" Octavia said.

"Who said I was an inkling? You haven't figured it out? My hair should had been a dead giveaway. I'm no inkling nor octaling, I'm human, and I'm more then happy to show why a human like me is skilled in the art of war, a first hand experience I gave to the squid sisters ." Ben said with a smile his arms crossed.

The octaling crowd expect Anna, Nadia, and the freed 50 octalings were in shock and surprised that Ben is a human most couldn't believe only they now saw proper he is different then Octalings and inklings

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The octaling crowd expect Anna, Nadia, and the freed 50 octalings were in shock and surprised that Ben is a human most couldn't believe only they now saw proper he is different then Octalings and inklings. 

"A human! Impossible! I thought all the humans were all dead." Octavia said in shock.

"Most of humanity died off in the second great flood. Your right about that. But my Dad helped make sure I could be safe in a cyro pod, where I slept for 12,000 years. So!(punches his fist into his hand) Your the punk I've heard about!" Ben said with a smile ready for battle.

"Human or not! I don't care! You will die the same as the rest of my enemies do!" Octavia said furiously.

"Come on lets you what you got!" Ben said as he started walking forward pulling out his riot shield and baton in both hands raising his baton as if to attack.

"Octarians attack!" Octavia exclaimed as he summon a large force Octarian tentacles to fight Ben.

However Ben just hit the side of his riot shield and it unleashed an explosion of Frag grenades shrapnel toward the Octarian tentacle troops tearing them apart with ease. Many not which were torn apart their bodies surround by pools of ink. 

The Octalings were shocked they had never seen such a weapon do that before. Octavia especially. "What! Impossible! No one is able to do that!" Octavia exclaimed in panic.

"And I thought you we're fearless, your afraid." Ben said with a confident smile.

"Never! I don't need an army to destroy you when I have the power of the great Zapfish!" Octavia exclaimed.

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