Oven Monster Boss

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Ben & Anna. As they approached the boss kettle Marie said." The boss kettle's open. You've got this Agent 4 &  agent 12." Marie said as Ben and Anna got into position into he kettle holding each other in a hug.

Upon reaching another Octarian base. Ben & Anna saw the final Zapfish in this area.

"Look Ben there's the final Zapfish." Anna said.

"Something not right however I'm going to take this wild guess its being guarded. Well lets do it." Ben said with a confident smile.

"Together!" Anna said with a smile too. As they got on he jump and onto the other side. The Zapfish got taken by a literal giant coaster oven with living bio bread.

 The Zapfish got taken by a literal giant coaster oven with living bio bread

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"Wait Armored bread? But armor on bread?" Marie said surprised Only Ben was taken aback by such a thing.

"Oh this is a joke! What kind of idiot turns a regular toaster oven into a weapon?! What the hell did they do?! Teleport bread to get a bread monster?!" Ben said recalling Team Fortress 2 bread monster as he & and Anna engage the Octo super weapon dodging its attacks.

"Trust me Ben I'm just as baffled too!" Anna exclaimed. The fight was tough as Anna had to keep Ben  on the move taking his hand across the ink so he didn't get knocked over by the living Bread monster or hit by other rogue objects the Octo oven brought to bare such as glazing machine spinning rapidly wth ink.

"Uh some kind of glazing machine has appeared watch out!" Marie warned.

"Anna!? Ink from our weapons is Is not going to work against this thing time for Bullets and explosives!" Ben exclaimed as he used his AR15 rifle and m203 grenades launcher to blast and shred the Octo super weapon which really started to get piss off as the oven bread monster as it felt pain that it is not familiar with.

Anna used her grenades and would use her hero blaster to get Ben to the top so he could help her shoot the weak point of the creature. The Octo oven went down faster due to it not being immune to bullets and grenades, it took Ben 5 reloads of his rifle magazine, and 10 grenades to blow up the oven bread monster. Thus the oven bread was toast literally.

In the end Ben AR15 & m203 did much of the damage to kill the oven bread monster as it blew up.

"That's what I'm talking about!" Ben said in a cheer.

"Wow! Ben! That was so cool you really tore that Octo super weapon apart!" Anna said joyful.

" I told ya it feel good!" Ben said with a smile.

"I am in love with you even more Ben!" Anna said hugging Ben as the two of them the grabbed the Zapfish and set him free from his prison.

"Wow.....I don't believe it, but you destroy that Octo Oven faster then I thought. That! Was incredible Ben..... And amazingly."Marie said in awe.

"BEN & Anna return to base they also get a heads up from Marie exposing how Shelton can provide them with more weapons in his store, and is excited to work with Anna & Ben. And is allowing them to use a weapon enhancer to improve their weapons. And to come visit his store anytime. If they ever get their names clear as the inkopolis police have them both on a high wanted list.

" Well done Agent 4 & Agent 12 we might be able to save inkopolis at this rate." Marie said happily.

Ben & Anna celebrate their victory with a hug & Kiss as Anna zips down jacket to hug Ben, her red eyes glow, as she kisses Ben lips

Ben & Anna celebrate their victory with a hug & Kiss as Anna zips down jacket to hug Ben, her red eyes glow, as she kisses Ben lips

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Much to Marie jealous annoyance as she has to watch it unfold.

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"Agent 4, Agent 12. Their more Zapfish to save....... Sometime today!" Marie said calm then loudly.

"Right away Marie." Ben & Anna said.

As they went off to save another and more zapfish.

to be continued...

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