Return of the Old/New World Order/ part 1

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(Happy late New Years! Finally got this chapter finished clocking in near 10,000 words now enjoy and stay fresh. Also Ben O'Brien was Born in the year 2100 January 1 at 12:00 am on New Years Eve the start of the 22 century, World war 3 lasted 5 years and starts in 2118 and ends in 2122,the great flood would begins in 2122 making Ben 22 years old.)

(As Ben installs a High Power Generator in Octo Valley for the Octalings. The city wide Scan of Inkopolis he had Athena do will soon unveil the threat from Commander Tartar, and of another more dangerous enemy that Ben had hoped died in the flood, but unfortunately survived and aims to destroy the new civilization that took the place of Alterna, and bring about a New World Order.)

"Strange.......The criminals, the corrupt politicians, federal agency's, Deep State elites, the insane warmongering tyrants, their insane loyal soldiers of UNATCO, TARTARUS, The MAJESTIC 12, along with all the wicked people who started world war 3,  destroyed civilization and my country the United States Of America, my friends, my parents, in their mad desire for power, they are all dead, along with the monsters Adam and his Brother unleashed......And yet I feel more scared that I'll wake up to a peaceful empty quite world with nothing but the animals of the sea that remain, and doomed to live my days as the last living man on earth and I fear that more, then drowning in the flood or face criminals and monsters at my back."

'Ben O'Brien last known message that no one would hear.'

(Back on the streets of Inkopolis)

Marie was out of breath. "Why doesn't Ben, and Anna just listen to me for once!" Marie said her voice a bit sore.

"Um Marie. Maybe it's because of that uh helicopter?.... I don't it looked like am airplane too. Any way because that aircraft was to loud. And Marie please calm down." Callie said begging Marie.

"How can I calm down when Anna keeps taughting me Callie! Ever since.....(has to avoid saying she recruited her and Ben as Agents of the Squidbeak Splatoon) we meant! Anna has made it a point to keep Ben all to herself and tick me off every chance she gets!" Marie exclaimed angrily which stunned her fans.

Many of Marie and Callie fans never thought they see Marie act all dramatic. 

"Marie your losing it....Wait many a minute Marie when was the last time you got any sleep?" Callie asked.

"I don't know?! Uh more then 24 hours now...." Marie said when Callie shouted.

"Marie! No wonder your angry! Your stressed and tired! You need sleep!" Callie said concern for her cousin well being.

"I don't need sleep! I...." Marie said grabbing her head as she feels tired from the last several hours.

"Oh I don't feel so good." Marie said. As Callie grabbed her cousin too keep her from falling.

Pearl and Marina quickly help Callie get Marie to their limo. Aiming to take Marie to Pearl mansion so Marie can rest and not get overwhelmed by their fans

"Marie? I don't know what you been doing the last several hours. But your tired, and need rest or you'll burn yourself out." Marina said worried.

"Oh please Marina you just want Marie to tell you everything she knows about Ben being a human and what he's told well....mostly Marie about his species. Or maybe you just want to be his girlfriend. " Callie said smiling mischievously.

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