Return of the Old/New World Order part 3

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Ben, Anna, Nadia, Alivia, the 48 octaling girls and Octavia himself quickly return to Inkopolis city entering Seaside Plaza though the pipes. Ben came out first with Anna and Nadia in a hug.

The residents were rather surprised. Especially when they saw a large amount of octalings without theirs hypnosis shades and goggles, but all of fire arms and ink weapons show up out of the sewer drain pipes. Most however just went about their business.

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"Well here we are Inkopolis Seaside. Looks like were near the beach. Anna you said your sister Fiona is here?" Ben asked.

"Yes! This where my sister and I planned to meet!" Anna said happily hugging Ben.

"Lets just hurry this along." Octavia said.

Unknown Fiona a cyan color inking overheard her sister Anna voice she had been wondering where Anna had gone. Fiona was sitting on a beach chair happily. She also saw the music Ben had done and when Fiona got up she saw Anna with the human Ben O'Brien and octalings without their hypnosis shades.

 She also saw the music Ben had done and when Fiona got up she saw Anna with the human Ben O'Brien and octalings without their hypnosis shades

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Fiona walked over to where her sister. She was surprised Anna was hugging Ben. "Well Hello Anna took you long enough to get here, yet I see you got a job as a maid." Fiona said with a happy smile.

" Fiona said with a happy smile

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