Return of the Old/New World Order/ part 2

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(Got a new chapter out enjoy and stay fresh!)

Ben was now certain more then ever having See agent zero splat his own friends with human fire arms and weapons he was being supported by the human Para militaries that tried to establish a New World Order.

"Looks like I was unfortunately right. Zack also known as Agent Zero splatted his friends with human weapons from UNATCO, TARTARUS, and the Majestic 12. But he trapped the souls of the original Squidbeak Splatoon members so they cannot Respawn and because he probably doesn't want to kill them. Yet how he worded he didn't like them. Tells me Zack if he is exposed he taught Cuttlefish with how insane Aaron, Aria and the other agents and soldiers Zack Imprisoned have become. I don't imagine they will be happy when they wake up as their last memory is Zack splating them unjustly." Ben said.

"Good cod! What kind of monster is Zack to splat his own friends!" Anna said.

"I guess this explains how the octarian military won many battles in the great turf war early on. It was not just our Octo super weapons, it was a traitor in the ranks of the old Squidbeak Splatoon." Nadia said recalling a number of the octarian victories in the Great Turf War.

"He tore them apart....and I thought what our grandparents and parents did was considered bad. But this....what Agent Zero did....he's an utter monster, this means despite all Octavia did. It was all Agent Zero." Alivia said.

"I believe we can trace what happen to Cuttlefish and Octavia wife's back to Zack. Its not to far fetched to assume and guess that Zack could have shot Cathy purposely splat her, and then when she supposed to get medical help, he shoots Cathy and pins the blame on Olivia, Cuttlefish enters the room Cathy was held at. And with no one but Olivia still alive Cuttlefish assumes it was Olivia he doesn't think till its to late that someone he knows would never have done such a thing. And then Octavia comes up on the scene and is enraged that his best friend shot and splatted his wife. Both wife's don't Respawn, and then a Great Turf War happens." Ben said as he continues to speak. " Zack is responsible for all and if he is being backed by human paramilitary soldiers,  then this means the Para militaries are definitely trying to finish their conquest. But to do that they had to force someone like Zack Agent Zero, to do all the work and cripple both inkings and octalings so when they decided to attack the entire planet they be able to do so with no strong military to oppose them like the USA did. " Ben said.

"Divide and conquer like what Octavia did. Only they could have done it since inkings and Octalings have been divided for 100 years accept the other inking octaling cities and nations where they co exist. And the ones coming back Ben we have to stop them!" Anna said.

"I agree if we don't stop those rogue para military humans depending on how many are left, they could kill and destroy most of inking and octaling population from Inkopolis, to Octo Valley and Splatville! I don't even think Agent 3 could stop them since they use firearms. And I doubt those Rouge humans care about our rules and laws." Shelton said and spoke with great successes concern ."Ben listen Agent 3 and Captain Cuttlefish didn't really go on vacation they went on another mission in hunting the remains of DJ Octavia armies that built bases in the Deepsea Metro under Inkopolis and finding the missing inkings and octalings. And if those para militaries are down their. Those two won't stand a chance! My cod they might have even been splatted if they came into contact with those hostile humans." Shelton said.

"I understand, enough talk time to find them, and stop the threat the New World Order poises to Inkadia. However if you girls want to help your current weapons ink, will only blind there human soldiers. That will be effective at stunning them and probably pissing them off. But your going to be able to use weapons that can kill these soldier's permanently so they don't kill you and force you Respawn." Ben said.

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