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02 You will be fined for distributing pheromones randomly. Is this reasonable in a pornographic world?

    [The plot is being imported]

    [Introduction: When Zhou Zhige woke up again, he came to a world where even the race had changed!

    Before I could figure out everything, where the person was, what the environment was like, I was pinned down by a handsome guy with a great figure. The man with 1 written all over his body rode him to orgasm within three minutes. .

    For a moment, Zhou Zhige didn't know who was taking advantage of whom, until he saw the exoskeleton-like tentacles exposed from both sides of the ribs of the handsome guy who was climaxing, and was frightened on the spot.

    Afterwards, after the man begged for an explanation in panic, almost as if he was pleading guilty, Zhou Zhige understood the current situation. He had actually traveled to the same Zerg world with a male-to-female ratio of 1:90,000!

    And he is the only male insect whose awakened bloodline ratio is as high as A+ after the N7 era of this planet's new calendar, standing in the first echelon of the surviving male awakening list.

    But the outstanding man in front of him, who he could only look up to in the previous world, was just his female favorite.

    Like a man, oh no, like the perfect-looking female in front of him, he still has 10 people on his wedding list.

    Zhou Zhige's cock suddenly became hard again! ]

    T1337: It’s okay to be hard again.

    After the consciousness matching was successful, Ah T was in a simple room with a very cold decoration. The furniture in the large room was also simple and streamlined. His body was lying on the big bed, and the built-in floor lamp was dimly lit. Turn on the light, letting a faint light shine in the dim room without the headlights on.

    Two meters away from the bed is a transparent floor-to-ceiling window with an extremely wide viewing angle. Looking out from the window, you can see most of the night view of the city. The bright lights are like silver snakes flickering in those cities with very Gothic and hideous architectural styles.

    Ah T only glanced at the situation in the city outside, and then he quickly read the plot of this pornographic world with 500,000 words and a total of 400,000 people mating.

    It can be considered a peaceful world - after reading the first chapter, the male employee at point x subconsciously asked the question of whether to fight or not.

    The male worm has a calm attitude towards the female, and is gentle and ready to become the clear leader in the male worm circle. He sings all the way and fights those proud s+ gene eyes above the top of the female under the horse - under the crotch.

    Three-fifths of the other Zerg galaxies regard him as the hero of their dreams and fall in love with him - what a good prerequisite for ruling the galaxy!

    After Ah T couldn't help sighing, he was stunned for a moment, laughed, and then went to the built-in points mall to buy a character assist plug-in to correct his character inertia. If you don't adjust it, you'll be in war mode in minutes after your body is fully loaded.

    He continued to read. In order to show the uniqueness of the male protagonist in the plot, most of the male insects in the background were E-C level, which was the mainstream. The C-level male worms can only barely appease the female worms whose gene strength is in the A-level sequence.

    The female insects at the top of the Zerg Empire's echelon almost all started with S-level genes. The B-level males could only be temporarily comforted and could not maintain a long-term bonding mark.

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