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12 [Old Calendar] Fabricated Lover 06 (Fake Live Streaming)

Gaia, you were born special.

You were born to enjoy the best of everything. Beautiful clothes, nectar and starlight; perfect weapons, dazzling enchanted armor, the purest unicorn and the most powerful horse, Hersey flowers will bloom wherever you walk; you should have the best magic stone, Most blessed of laurels, beholden by the tree of life and feel yourself so unique, so special.

Gaia, you are unique, you were born special.

Gaia has never understood why the relatives who take care of him always convey these specious words to him quietly. What he saw when he opened his eyes when he was born was the huge steel city built by the Zerg, and he never saw the endless sea of ​​trees. The continuous flower carpet and the most beautiful light of the morning sun.

Elf-Gaia is a pet with beautiful feathers that grows in a cage.

But some of his relatives will always convey some news to him mysteriously, teaching him some knowledge and concepts that are different from those taught by the Zerg. Some of them belong to the past, to the history of the elves that were destroyed and buried; Gaia's life It was very short, and he didn't even have time to appreciate the rewards brought by the advantages of the so-called immortal species. His life was filled with two concepts, and life seemed to be separated. On the one hand, there are relatives who are familiar with their appearance and attached to them, and on the other hand, they are the breeders who control their own thoughts of life and death.

Gaia is as obedient and gentle as any mass-produced wood spirit, but there is unspeakable depression in his heart; the more he learns how terrifying and powerful the Zerg are today under the Zerg education, the more he worries about his own Thinking about how to regain the past elven relatives, but can't let go.

Until this time, Gaia's breeders planned to give him away as a gift to please a big noble Zerg. Gaia, who was always meek and silent and accepted everything, agreed, nodded, and took the trip to fight the beasts. Airship on the field.

It would be nice to be eaten by that great noble, so that he wouldn't have to live a silent and painful life between two separate concepts, Gaia thought.

What's so special about this? Life like this is so painful.

But until Gaia lay under the great noble who wanted to control him, and when he looked at the other person's green eyes, he saw himself lying in a dark green.

He was alone, with a dim light in the background. What stared at him was the rich greenery, and his passionate and ruthless face and eyes. That was - Gaia looked at Timothy's eyes with almost fascination, feeling the instinct in her. The longing to return.

--It is an endless sea of ​​trees and light born of lust.

At this moment, he finally knew how to define the light and life that belonged to Gaia alone.

He was unique at this moment because Timothy was just Timothy.

"Anything, everything, please give me."

The elf cried lightly, chasing Timothy's hand playing with his ear with his lips, like chasing the light that shocked the soul for the first time in his short life.


As soon as Timothy inserted one head, the elf cried. He gently suppressed his sobs and obediently opened his legs.

Her snow-white legs were wide open, completely exposing her lower body to her master. The slightly red hole in her round, white buttocks contained a thick, hard purple-red cock with swollen blood vessels, which was being slowly pushed in and wetted. In the flesh of the hole, the folded hole was stretched into a moist ring by the engorged head of the penis. The wet liquid inside was inserted into the head of the penis, making a gurgling sound.

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