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10【Old Calendar】Fake Lover 04 (Fake Live Stream)


    Timothy did not expect that he would see the wood spirit that was given as a gift again. He thought that the way he behaved during the VIP session in the club would be enough to scare away the so-called pure-blooded Zerg tribe and keep them entertained for at least a while.

    With a click of tongue in his heart, Timothy thought that the action of letting Bojing lie on his lap in amusement probably aroused the thoughts of other Zerg races. His current identity and body are quite useful. Whether it's DNA pheromones or the exoskeleton armor he sheds, they are the current 'hard currency' among the Zerg.

    The Zerg also have a rather bloody tradition. They can increase their abilities through mutual cooperation.

    The skeletal armor shed by powerful bugs can enhance the body's own physique and the hardness of the skeletal armor. Eating flesh and blood can awaken or strengthen the control of one's own abilities. For example, at the top level of the current Zerg race, those pure-blooded Zerg races born from combined eggs are more or less They all have some 'superpowers'.

    It's just that there are very few Zerg who are good at mastering them. These so-called superpowers are all obtained by the Zerg eating the flesh and blood of other races - they are abilities that originally belonged to other races, but they cannot be perfectly integrated with the Zerg's own genes; for this reason, it seems that Some are weak and some are strong, like superpowers and magic.

    At this time, it is very important to study the primitive bugs that have complete genes belonging to the mother bug. On the one hand, the combined egg bugs cannot be defeated, and on the other hand, they are very advocating pursuit and at the same time reveal their greed that cannot be well hidden against those powerful primitive bugs. antenna.

    It's like we are still on the main star, and the other two are male worms of primitive bugs like Timothy. The skeletal armor of those two bugs is not as strong and hard as that of Timothy, and the abilities of the female bug are not as complete as those inherited by Timothy. Even the primitive bugs Not even one of the top 50 in the insect combat power list was able to get into the top 50. They were coaxed all day long by the combined egg zerg clan and they couldn't find their way. Fortunately, they also know that they are walking energy supplies, and they are very dedicated to researching flesh and blood materials. It is a large-scale fake friendship scene, where they and the combined egg zerg tribe smile at each other, plasticize each other, and use each other.

    Timothy has developed the habit of not being followed by a large group of insect servants. A large part of the reason is the combination of the overly exaggerated flattery of the egg bugs and the overly purposeful social interactions; in particular, Timothy inherits almost all of the mental power from the female insect. Gene, even wearing a suppressor can feel the thoughts of those Zerg shallow brains.

    Earl Timothy Burns was rumored to be murderous, solitary, arrogant and cold, and had a terrifying reputation for being moody and moody when he was quiet at times but seemed very approachable. It was after he killed many Zerg that he perceived to be malicious that word spread and Quite wide.

    Timothy looked at the gift that had been dressed up according to his preferences, and raised an eyebrow at his good friend. He had known Ethan Akshi for almost twenty years, and he couldn't believe that in just one night, this guy Can you forget that Timothy was originally impatient with this roundabout way of hinting at gift-giving.

    If we still follow the habits of primitive insects, tonight will probably be the last night this wood spirit breathes air. The next day, there will probably only be some rags and blood residue left in the cage.

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