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07 [Old Calendar] Fabricated Lover 02 (Fake Live Stream) Medical Room GV



    Love is something that can be created but has no substance.

    Poinst is obsessed with history and studies history. Everything has traces to follow, and the data flow will eventually present all answers.

    But love is something that Poinst can never understand.

    The Zerg learn to look like humans, but they are not humans after all. Human empathy is minimal in them. Even if they have swallowed up the genes of countless human beings, the emotion that should appear is still hidden in the defective genes.

    It takes an opportunity to break through that hard shell.


    "Is this what you are talking about, love?" Timothy held a transparent projection board in his hand. On it was the historical data image that Poinst exported from the bracelet terminal. All the data was made into a catalogue. Timothy clicked on the highlighted archives and watched several specially edited film and television clips about the beauties of the feudal dynasty who were a disaster to the country.

    "One, female? Is he a natural mental controller?"

    (Both male and female Zerg species are the same, with broad shoulders and narrow waists and penises. The wording here is correct.)

    To show that he really saw it, Timothy also stretched out his Pointed his finger at the gorgeously dressed humanoid female in the image, and commented: "His meat doesn't look like it will fill your teeth." "

    My Highness, in the humanoid feudal society, they have not yet given birth to any strange things. Power." Poinst operated on his terminal and transmitted several more T's information to the light screen projection board. "That's why I feel that these 'emotions' that have been established as laws in history are a bug. Without mental control, just contact, the so-called - love over time? It is enough to destroy a country."

    The bespectacled Zerg shook his head, "If the direction of a war can be affected just by contact for a period of time, then the weapon of emotion is really cost-effective. Far better than our current star beetles, insect beetles, or any thermal weapons Nuclear weapons are cheap, but they can explode with greater power and bring greater benefits."

    Timothy listened to his doctor talking, not so much for popular science, but because Poinst himself had no idea. Where you understand, you talk to yourself about where you are confused. He didn't care too much, just looking for something that might interest him on the light screen. Before calculating the patience of his current character, he 'accidentally touched' and clicked on a piece of information that was all about the intercourse of white flesh.

    Suddenly, a third-party voice emerged from the huge medical room, sweet, grunting, screams of desire and triumph, and the sounds of flesh colliding with each other.

    If two grown men with human common sense heard such a voice, they might be a little embarrassed at the moment they looked at each other.

    At least Poinst, who is good at history, stopped when the voice of science popularization stopped.

    Timothy looked at the video of the screaming human beings who were having sex and colliding with each other, covered in water and fluids. He raised his eyebrows and asked, "Is this also a kind of love?" After watching it objectively and politely for a few minutes, the straight male insect

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