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14【New Calendar】Yesterday reappears 02 (pseudo live streaming)

Bloody Rhine.

"Are you sure? You are going to carry out this broadcast under all the pressure, if..." The black-haired secretary female held a terminal projection board with a signature explanation on it. The secretary hesitantly advised the major general in front of him. .

"If... this time it's like the previous times -" the clerk paused. He has followed Major General Draeon for five years. He certainly knows how bad Cornelius Draon will become once he decides on something. Stubborn. In the end, he just sighed and said: "Connelly, I ask you again as a friend, are you really sure? After signing this full responsibility authorization letter, if we can't find it in the Death Star, we will The target you have set will be sent directly to the military court when you return to the main star."

Although it is a historical pursuit organization, the classification inside is also based on the military department. The pursuit of history means that the New Calendar Zerg must Go to those unowned star fields that have experienced major disasters. You don't know what is there, what living bodies exist, or perhaps more dangerous precursors of disasters may be inhabiting them. Their history-traveling fleets, which have thousands of patrols, sometimes have much better functional configurations than some military needs. This is not only to protect the Zerg on the fleet, but also to have the ability to find residual historical data if it is possible. The ability to successfully bring it back.

Cornelius DeLaon, who gave up half a step as a major general at the age of 25, changed departments and spent five years to climb back to the position that should have been his long ago. At this moment, he is facing a choice under great pressure.

A-level male insects have not awakened in the Zerg's field of vision for a long time. Nowadays, there are fewer and fewer B-level insects with the highest level of genetic awakening. Even there are many female insects in the fleet looking forward to Abai Englimin. Today's live tour. That was a very rare opportunity, and it was the only dream that the females had been able to realize in recent years.

The female insect, who had changed her military uniform into expedition equipment, was slowly checking the surveillance probe on her helmet. Connelly's tone was still calm, "Relax, Jack." "I'm not alone

. Such a large amount of energy can put pressure on the central government and the Presbytery at the same time." Connelly straightened his vision probe and checked the power supply. There was a nonchalant feeling between his long fingers, and he comforted his worried friend.

"Among the twelve clans of the Presbyterian Council, except for the three partners who are on our side, the new Murphy and Quinn families have taken action, and the one who has the final vote is the Akshi family. I didn't expect it. , that group of war lunatics are actually distracted by historical matters." The albino female sneered, "A group of flies that came up after smelling the smell of blood." "Oh." The secretary shook his head and

signed He tapped the pen on the projection screen. He was a little annoyed, but he still respected the other person's choice. "Okay, you sign. After signing, no matter what the elders and factions are, if something goes wrong anyway, you will be the only scapegoat on the surface." As a good friend, Secretary Jack said venomously, "Oh, congratulations

. , K, you finally tied yourself to the nuclear bomb and are just waiting to be launched!" "

Relax, don't be so picky, you are living like an exploding tail scorpion." Connelly could not see the pressure at all, his words and expressions were expressionless. There was a sense of naturalness and confidence. After taking the projection screen and signing, he stretched out his thumb to make a fingerprint.

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