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11 [Old Calendar] Fabricated Lover 05 (Fake Live Streaming)

After Ethan left, the suite suddenly became quiet. The pet kneeling in the cage obviously would not do anything unnecessary without instructions.

After a moment of silence, the cold and simple suite on the entire floor became like a coffin made of high-tech and steel. Some of the expensive decorations used for decoration were all low-brightness incandescent lamps; after the silence, there was only The elegant layout of the suite hides slowly burning smokeless retro incense. The harmonious aroma of precious wood and Tunisian wine prevents this floor from becoming deserted and scary.

Timothy entered his inner hall, ordered a meal, and then directly entered the large bathroom behind a long corridor on the left side of the inner hall. It is said that it is a room, but it has actually been built to the size of a hall. It has an artificial hot spring with a suitable temperature and a complete set of bath accessories. A wide range of drinks are placed on the decorative walls built into the room; the ceiling and walls are decorated with the recently popular The sculptures and reliefs of the mythological system in humanoid culture, and the flowers arranged according to the layout style are now replaced with red begonias replanted with replica genes.

It seems that the genetic ratio has been deliberately adjusted, and the color depth of those dripping crabapples is an uncomfortable scarlet. But it made Timothy very satisfied. He picked one out and played with it. His pale fingers kneaded the soft petals, and soon his hands were covered with juice.

After soaking in the bathtub, the spherical robot with an appearance about the size of an apple followed the set program and stretched out six mechanical tentacles for easy grasping, picking out a bottle of precious wine with bright bottles and clear water. The wine, as blue as the pure sea, poured half a glass for Timothy.

Timothy didn't drink. He was in a good mood today and wanted to drink some strong liquor. He waved his hand to sweep away the robot and used his telekinesis to pick out a bottle of Flame Vodka. After the wine was poured into the glass, it ignited with a burst of blue flames. Timothy took a sip without paying attention and clicked on the new message in the terminal.

This time, the signee changed from the official of the genetic research department to Dr. Poinst.

Poinst sent several messages to Timothy. The doctor obviously knew the habits of the young earl. There was no unnecessary nonsense in the message. He directly wrote the research report on the new pheromone extracted in an easy-to-understand manner. One floor down from Poinst's medical room is his own laboratory. It was built with a huge amount of money and can be called the top laboratory in the field of genetics on the main planet.

Within half an hour, the results of the research on the pheromones re-extracted by Timothy were obtained, and the accompanying report also praised the earl's reproductive ability.

To sum up, Timothy is still half a month away from his second awakening. As the most complete primitive insect that has inherited the ability of the mother insect, the pheromones are returning to the direction of the mother insect to a certain extent. But compared to the remaining dead female insect pheromones today, Timothy's pheromones are undoubtedly more 'fresh'. However, due to the differentiation of reproductive gender, Timothy's pheromone resembled that of a female insect, but was completely affected by the differentiation and turned into a mutated pheromone specifically targeted at those of the reproductive gender. While having an advantage in terms of physiology, it will also optimize the genes of the controlled object to a certain extent - before this was changed, the mother worm could control its own Zerg genes. If the mother worm wanted them to be strong, they would be strong. The mother worm will not live for more than three days, and the modified genes will definitely not deteriorate for one more second.

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