(helluva boss+criminal case)nadia

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summary: there has been a problem in hell, so ozzie calls for help to figure out what's going on

stolas: sire, is there a reason why you called all of us here? you sounded really concerned and worried, did something happen?

ozzie: i have been getting reports that there is a mysterious figure around, normally this wouldn't be odd.

blitz: we do live in hell after all, so what's the big deal?

ozzie: this person has been having some kind of smoke come off of them, It is driving the demons into lust, but not in a good way.

fizz: Now that sounds concerning.

ozzie: It's something that an asexual feels, an asexual panic, They feel very uncomfortable, I just don't understand how this is possible, No one has been able to figure out for the person is, We don't know what their species is or what they even are, We don't even know the gender! So sadly I can use the correct pronouns for them.

stolas: What should we do?

ozzie: We need to find out whoever is doing this and why.

millie: Has anyone gotten hurt?

ozzie: Apart from being very uncomfortable, no.

moxxie: It doesn't seem like they want to hurt anyone because they would have done that by now, They must have another motive for doing this.

striker: Well this person wasn't hired, Just wearing a cloak and just doing things out of the blue is suspicious, an assassin would normally try to hide themselves so no one can see them.

blitz: So how do we figure out what to do? We can't just sit here and do nothing.

fizz: And we can't just attack I don't know where because we know what will happen, If we inhale the smoke, We won't be very comfortable.

ozzie: and this is the reason why I called all of you here, I'm not sure how to handle the situation at all, This is something I have never experienced before, So I am not fully sure on how to deal with this.

stolas: It's a good thing you have called us here so we can discuss this matter, We can't just run in and attack, We don't know what they are capable of.

stolas: and we can't risk our own safety, but we can't risk the safety of the others, we need to figure out what to do.

ozzie: and fast before things get out of hand, so many demons are in the hospital right now, many of them are in pain, It makes me upset and angry that I can do anything to help them.

fizzie: Don't worry Ozzie, We'll figure out what's going on.

ozzie: But how can we talk to someone that can make us feel pain?

moxxie: And they don't need to be in physical contact with anyone, This is going to be difficult.

ozzie: I have tried to think of every situation like gas masks for example, But I'm worried that it won't work, We haven't tested it out yet though, But we're running out of room in the hospital, So we can't test it.

stolas: We can get some stuff that we need.

fizz: That should work, But who's going to be the test subject and I am not going.

ozzie: And I don't think I can do it, This power is like something I can hold, So I might not be affected at all.

striker: I'll be the test subject, But we need some smoke first.

then an imp runs in.

imp: The person is here! Run for your life while you still can! Run away before you can feel pain! RUN!

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