(HH+CC)the prince of hell

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summary: charlie talks to her little brother.

quick note: this is based on me and my GF au.

charlie was smiling as she was in her room, she was happy to show her dad the hotel and even sang a song with him! it was great progress, she knew that her dad went through a lot in his past.

but through the song, their bond grew stronger.

charlie: i have to work hard, i'm going to show everyone that sinners can be redeemed, i just need to figure out what to do next.

Then her phone starts to ring so she answers it.

charlie: hello?

lucifer: hello Charlie, i know this is sudden because I left the hotel an hour ago, but I need to ask you something real quick.

charlie: Is everything okay?

lucifer: It's about your brother.

charlie: Is everything okay with Luke?

Luke was Charlie younger brother, he was still a little kid but he understood a lot of things, he was on Charlie's side but he also had concerns like his parents about the hotel, he didn't really believe in the possibility of sinners being redeemed, but he wanted to encourage his sister because this project made her happy.

lucifer: It appears that I have misplaced your brother.

charlie: What do you mean you misplaced him?

lucifer: ok, i'm going to be honest with you, i lost him, your mother is going to murder me for sure if she finds out that her toddler son is gone, please tell me you've seen him, I wanted to make sure that this place was safe first of all because of the whole idea and everything, I want to make sure that your brother was okay as well because he still so young and still needs to learn how about his powers.

charlie: I'm going to look for him while you try to distract mom as much as possible, i just need enough time to find him and get him back home before Mom finds out and kicks both of our asses.

lucifer: you know she would never heard you but she is definitely going to hurt me.

charlie: you have got to keep a better eye on luke.

lucifer: i know.

Charlie ends to call as she looks to her left only to see her brother.

luke: hi big sis! I know that I shouldn't have run away from Dad but I was just so excited to see you, i missed you a lot.

charlie: i know but you have to go home now, you know how Mom is going to be if she finds out that Dad lost you, And this isn't the first time this happened.

luke: I know but I just really wanted to see you, I know you want to make your dream come true but you barely visit us at all, Dad wouldn't even let me join him because he said it was too dangerous for me, I'm a big boy in the prince of hell, I have to eventually know how it works and know that not everything is rainbows and sunshine.

charlie: mom and Dad just want to make sure your state because you're still so young, we love you so much and we don't want you to get hurt.

luke: i know but they won't even let me use my powers inside, i can only use them when I'm training while you can use them anytime you want.

charlie: that's because I'm an adult now.

luke: well it's still unfair that I'm treated like a baby.

charlie: you know that the ages in our world work differently, Have you been looking at the human version of YouTube again?

luke: It's not my fault or dad as a dumbass and doesn't know how to block human YouTube.

charlie: I have got to learn how to put a child sending on YouTube so you don't have to hear these curse words.

luke: Well some guys were talking shit about dad, I know Mom get their asses right away but I couldn't help but listen, You know how much I love gossip.

charlie: You're basically a gossip machine so I'm not surprised.

luke: ya, so I heard from the diag grades that you have a girlfriend, i was surprised that you were dating someone but she seems like a good person, i just hope she doesn't do anything to hurt you, But if she ever hurts you then I'm going to make sure she regrets it for the rest of her life.

charlie: luke, behave yourself.


charlie:'picks him up'now, because the next I have to find out before Mom finds out that you're missing and up killing Dad.

luke: i promise that I'll be on my base behavior as long as I get some candy.

charlie: of course, remember to eat some real food first before you eat the candy, we don't want Mom to get suspicious and you know how she is when you eat candy before a real meal.

luke: i already learned my lesson when she grounded me for a week from candy, it felt like I was actually being tortured.

charlie: it's not my fault you have a sweet tooth.

The siblings laugh at each other, luke hugs his sister.

luke: i love you big sis.

charlie: i love you too little bro.

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