(helluva boss+criminal case)determination

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summary: the second generation has breakfast and gains the determination to start finding a way back home.

it was morning, fizz didn't use his airhorn since ozzie had hidden them so it wouldn't disturb their guests, fizz pouted a lot but he had to accept the fact that he couldn't use his airhorn, no matter how much he pouted, ozzie said no.

ozzie: good morning everyone, did you all slept well?

jones: i slept pretty good.

jessica: me too, although it didn't feel the same without my husband.

angela: ya, i'm surprised that I managed to get some sleep at all, sometimes I have trouble sleeping unless I'm cuddling something.

ozzie: i will make a mental note to buy some plush animals, will that help?

angela: If it's a koala you get me, Then everything will be okay, He hugs like a koala.

luke: I was finally able to get my beauty sleep.

nadia: what beauty sleep?

luke: You're just jealous that I'm still young, and hot.

nadia: I'm still hot! You're just jealous that i look hot for my age While you're going to be a wrinkly old raisin.

luke: I'm not going to look like a raisin!

angela: I swear it's too early for this, At least let me ask some coffee before you all start arguing, Because I will not hesitate destroy you both out the window.

jessica: You don't need to be so harsh.

angela: well, Do you want to deal with them?


angela: That's what i thought.

JP: well, i slept pretty well.

ozzie: the food should be ready soon, have a seat and make sure you don't argue, and no food fights, that means you too fizzy!


jones: the food smells so good!

bee: i got some cookies!

jones: awesome! i love cookies so much! i love sweet stuff!

angela: we can tell.

theo: the food reminds me of my mom's cooking.

jones: i thought your family was rich?

theo: ya, but once in a while, my mom would cook to remind us that we we need to take care of ourselves.

jones: wow, that's deep.

nadia:'smirks and opens her mouth'

angela: don't say any dirty jokes.

nadia: but-

angela: NO! it's too early to be dealing with this nonsense right now!

jones: i just want to eat breakfast already.

JP: me too, i'm hungry!

theo:'already eating'come on, we'll probably have a busy day to deal with, like, finding a way back home, but in order to do that, we need to figure out how those scientists got us here in the first place, but how are we going to figure that out?

ozzie: which is why that after we are finished eating breakfast, we are going to look for anything that could have possibly done this, it must be magic if you were all able to get here, so far nothing was reported stolen, but we still need to keep our eyes out for anything that could have done this.

stolas: We will also be questioning all of you to see if you remember something before you were transported into this world.

nadia: we'll do our best, But that might take a while.

stolas: We aren't rushing any of you, We just want to make sure that you feel comfortable, This situation is rather stressful and we don't need you all to be stressed.

angela: I'm already stressed because I haven't seen my husband or daughters, I'm just worried that something is going to happen.

JP: Maybe if we work together, We could try to do something about it, There has to be a sign out there, Maybe there's a way we can communicate with our loved ones, That has to help us.

luke: Well you don't need to involve me in that plan.

bee: And why don't you want to be involved in it?

luke: i'm an orphan, I've been an orphan since I was 7 years old.

millie: that must be so sad.

angela: I know how that feels.

luke: you do?

angela: yes, i was only 8 years old and I lost my parents, i was raised by a different couple, but it felt like a nightmare, but when i met my husband at college, i felt like my life is finally going to get better, i'm a pretty intelligent person so I might be able to help, i promise my husband that I would always be there by his side, no matter what.

jessica: come on guys, We can't give up now, let's go!

theo: Can we at least finish eating before we start a food fight?

jessica: fine.

angela:'secretly gets out a photo'

It was a photo of her with Lars and her daughters, They all looked so happy.

angela:'thinks'I promise that I'm going to get home, When I find the people who did this, I will kill them.

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