(HB+CC)a surprise visit

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summary: a human appears and everyone is shocked to learn who he is.

It shows nadia pacing back and forth, everyone was in the living room of ozzie's house, everyone looked worried since nadia was trying to control her breathing.

Ozzie: Nadia, you need to remain calm, what do you mean someone followed you to hell?

Nadia: It means that someone followed me here but I don't know who it is.

Fizz: do you have an idea of who it is?

Nadia: Well, it can't be JP, he wouldn't scare me since the time I broke his nose.

Beelzebub: And the amount of times your dad had to apologize to his mom since you broke his nose......more than once.

Nadia: it's not my fault he didn't learn the first time, and at least he still wanted to be my friend, And he knows that I'm going to aim for the face if someone goes behind me, So there's no way it's him.

Ozzie: well-

They froze when they heard a knock at the door.

Blitz: so, who's going to open the door?

Ozzie: I'll do it Since I'm probably the only one in this room at the moment with common sense, besides, It would be rude to just let the person stay outside Unless it's an asshole.

He opens the door and is surprised to see a human.

Emile: Is Nadia here?

Nadia: What the Emile?!

Ozzie: You know him?

Nadia: He's one of my coworkers, He's the technician on the team, Emile, What are you doing here?! And how did you get here?

Emile: Well I followed you here because I wanted to ask you a question.

Nadia: Why couldn't you just ask me at work?

Emile: Because this is a family matter.

Nadia: What do you mean?

Emile: I know the truth.

Then he takes a deep breath and starts to glow, he grows horns and a tail, his skin turns red and half of his hair turns blue, a light blue to be exact.

Nadia:'eyes widened seeing the heart-shaped birthmark on Emile's tail'

Blitz: can someone explain to me what the fuck is going on?!

Emile: I'm Emile Bardot, and if Nadia won't say it, I will, I'm her son.


Emile: I'm her son, you know, she gave birth to me but gave me up when I was a baby.

Nadia: emile-

Emile: I'm not mad, I just wanted to get to know you more since i found out the truth, dad told me.

Nadia: He saw me?

Emile: he did, and tried to use me to track you down since i'm a technician, i sent him somewhere far away, so he won't be back for a very long time.

Fizz: and where did you send him?

Emile: Australia, he hates insects.

Fizz: Well, he's our grandson for sure, right ozzie?


Fizz: ozzie?


Fizz: ozzie!

Nadia: dad!

Emile: Did I cause this?

Blitz: um......oh look, an empty room!'shoves emile into an empty closet and closes the door there, that solves the problem!

Stolas: I'm pretty sure that doesn't solve the problem.

Emile:'from the closet'it's dark in here.

Fizz: can someone help my husband?! He's on the ground right now!

Verosika: he probably fainted from shock since he found out he has a grandson, who's now an adult.

Fizz: true......

Blitz: I'll get the cold water.

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