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summary: everything is going well, but alastor is suspicious about angela, who seems to be trained very well to deal with the kind of situations for survival and how she acts around everyone else, angel tries to tell him he's being paranoid, but alastor isn't going to let his suspicions be pushed under the rug so easily.

charlie: i'm so glad that we are able to help them, he must be really sad being away from the people they love, i hope we'll be able to help them the best we can, but where should they stay in the meantime?

angel dust: how about the hotel?

vaggie: i'm not sure because it would be dangerous for them if anyone found them.

angel dust: which is why we're getting them disguises soon.

vaggie: Do we even have disguises for them?

angel dust: Probably not but we are working on getting them soon.

charlie: a spell should do the trick for a while but what are we going to do when the spell wears off?

alastor: Charlie does have a point there, They don't even know how to use magic so there's no way they would be able to put the disguise back on, And what if they're disguised as show that they are a sin?

charlie: Which is why we need to be practicing the spell first so we know what to do.

vaggie: Maybe we should let them stay somewhere hidden.

angel dust: Are you suggesting we just shove them all in the basement? I have a lot of rope and tape with me.

vaggie: I don't think I even want to know why you have them.

angel dust: It's for annoying people.

vaggie: I don't even know why I even ask.

angel dust: I didn't even say anything dirty.

vaggie: And I don't care.

angela:'walks in'is everything ok? I heard something and I wanted to see if you were all okay, i heard that you were talking about disguises.

charlie: yes, well, we are trying to find disguises for you and the other so you can walk around hell, of course with one of us because you are new to this, But we want to make sure you are safe and don't get harassed, We want to make sure you're all safe and you don't get hurt until we finally to get you all back home, Is there any progress about the picture?

angela: They haven't been able to make any progress on him but I just know that they will do it, I'm just surprised that I married an angel.

alastor: yes, it was rather a surprise and a big coincidence, do you both don't know about each other's supernatural side, so none of us blame you for marrying an angel, can you tell us what he's like?

angela: he's an amazing man for starters.

vaggie: is he really amazing though?

angela yes, I don't know what the angels are like here, But my husband is so sweet, When I was pregnant with my daughters, He always made sure I was comfortable and that he would make sure I didn't get up too much because i might hurt myself by accident, He was so sweet and he even went out during the night when I had a craving.

cherri: he kind of sounds a bit boring.

angela: something he even does small explosions, they can be pretty useful if they are big enough.

cherri: and my interest has been caught.

angela: he's my husband.

alastor: don't worry, cherri uses bomb so she's pretty interested in explosions.

angel dust: You need to worry about anything because she isn't going to steal your man, You are a sin after all and he's an angel, It would cause a lot of drama since you're the sin of envy.

angela: I just hope my husband is okay, I miss him so much.

charlie: We're going to make sure you get home but we are so sorry we didn't find any of you sooner, Being outside all alone in a new area must have been terrifying.

angela: It was terrifying but I had to learn how to adapt at a young age, I lost my parents in a terrible accident when I was only 8 years old.

charlie: I'm so sorry for your loss.

angela: You don't need to say sorry for anything, I just do what I can to survive in the world to make my parents proud, My biological parents, i want them to be happy for me because even though they weren't there the raise me for the rest of my life, I want them to know that I love them no matter what.

charlie: that's so sweet.

alastor thought it was suspicious, but he kept his mouth shut.

alastor:'thinks'something doesn't seem right about her.....

something was suspicious about angela.

He remembers what Blitz told him about her, apparently she knew how to cook rats, knew how to find the best place to stay, even if it was in an alley.

It was like she was prepared to look for a place to stay and if she was ever out alone in the world, it seemed really suspicious.

alastor:'thinks'I can't just throw accusations right now, I need to wait until scenes have calmed down more, Perhaps I should help them look for disguises, for now until I can get more information on them, the new generation of the seven deadly sins.....

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