(criminal case)hard to breath

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summary: based on my au, yann checks on russell, but things get crazy when russell collapses.

yann:'walking in with a cup of coffee'good morning, how is everyone's morning?

amy: it's going pretty well.

frank: fantastic for me.

yann: no offense but it's hard to believe that without whiskey in your hand.

frank: it's because I haven't heard anything from Russell since he walked in, it has been a wonderful day for me.

yann: How come Russell hasn't said anything though? I thought he would be talking to someone or getting a cup of coffee ready.

amy: That is true but I went to see Russell and he said he was fine, he was just a bit tired because he didn't sleep well last night because there's some car outside, Apparently it kept honking all night, I'm surprised Russell didn't have any eye bags underneath him, He did look a bit exhausted though and out of breath.

andrea: I asked him about it and he said he had to run to work because he slept in, He wasn't even going to be late anyway, He was 20 minutes early.

yann: maybe I should go talk to him.

frank: and ruin our day?

andrea: frank!

frank: You know the boy wonder the pain in the ass.

yann: I'm still going to check on him and you can't stop me.

frank: I wasn't planning on stopping you anyway, because Andrea would kick my ass.

yann:'mumbles'I hope she does.

frank: What did you say?

yann: I didn't say anything, I was just mumbling about getting extra coffee.

then he walks into russell's office, the blonde man was making himself some tea, he always drank tea whenever he had the chance and by the strong scent, it was blackberry tea, russell said that it was one of his favorite teas to drink, he said it was because of the smell and taste, The smell was pretty strong so it stayed on Russell for a while, making him smell like fresh berries, amy mentioned it before.

russell: Is there anything I can help you with?

yann: I wanted to make sure you were okay.

russell: Did something happen? Is something happened then I had nothing to do with it, blame it all on Frank.

yann: russell.

russell: don't worry, i'm going to be ok, i'm just....tired.

yann: you can go home if you need to rest, i can tell Andrea that you're feeling tired and-

russell:'falls to the ground'

yann:'screams as he kneels down'russelll!

The others run in and are shocked to see that russell's face is turning blue.

frank: what the hell is going on?!

lazara:'runs in'what happened?! I just walked in and I heard screaming!

yann: Russell fainted or collapsed or I don't know! But he's starting to turn blue! He must not be breathing!

lazara: Everyone I need you to turn around, Just trust me on this because I know what's going on.

frank: Why do we need to turn around though?

lazara: Just trust me! please! Do you want him to die?!

everyone quickly turned around, lazara quickly lifted the back of russell's shirt and slowly loosened the binder, russell coughs.

amy: russell?

lazara: everyone, do not turn around, and do not peak unless you want your eyeball on the ground.

frank: well I would like to keep my eyeballs in my head.

yann: everyone wants to keep their eyeballs in their head.

russell: idiot.

frank: well he sounds okay so why can't we turn around?

lazara: i had to live up his shirt and I don't think you would appreciate people staring at him.

frank: how come you're able to do it?

lazara: it's because you trust me and we have known each other for years.

frank: No wonder you're also a pain in the ass.

lazara: Thank you for the compliment.

frank: It wasn't a compliment.

lazara: Does it look like I care that it was supposed to be an insult?

frank: Considering I can't see your face, no.

russell: she doesn't care, she's as tough as nails, i've been by her side for a long time and she is capable of kicking my ass.

lazara: and i have kicked his ass before.

russell: it's true, she did.

andrea: russell, go home.

russell: but-

andrea: NOW.

russell: you are terrifying when you are angry.

frank: welcome to my world boy wonder.

then they leave, russell and lazara look at each other.

lazara: don't keep your binder on for so long.

russell: i forgot.....

lazara:'hits him on the head'

russell: ow!

lazara: russell, please, you need to be more careful, i know you don't want anyone to know your trans, but you need to be careful about your health.

russell: i know....

lazara: look, you could die if you aren't careful.

russell: i know, i'm terrified and i'm not ready......but i know my time will come.

lazara:'hugs him'don't worry russell, your secret is safe with me, but be more careful.

russell: i promise, but maybe i should get a new binder for my own good.

lazara: good idea, i'll buy one for you.

russell: you want to buy a binder for me? are you sire?

lazara: i'm sure, i want to make sure you save enough money to get top and bottom surgery.

russell: you are the best twin ever.

lazara: we're not the same age.

russell: and i don't care, we will always be twins, no matter what.

lazara:'chuckles and smiles at her friend'

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