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summary: luke talks to sera.

Luke was in front of a meeting room, he was holding onto his jacket as he opened the door and walked in, sera noticed Luke and walked towards him.

Luke: Sera, I want to ask you a question.

Sera: Is something wrong Luke? You seem to be troubled by something.

Luke: I'm sorry if you're busy right now, I can always return later.

Sera: I'm not busy right now, I'm just concerned because you never asked me about anything unless it’s very important.

Luke takes a deep breath before walking towards Sera.

Luke: I met the king and queen of hell, I know you told me not to speak to them but the situation has gotten out of hand, I didn't want to seem rude so I talked to them.

Sera would have usually gotten angry, She never wanted Luke to talk to them, But knowing that he had no choice but to do it, She let it slide for now.

Sera: I understand, I'm happy that you thought about the other feelings, Plus it would make you look suspicious and we can't have that happening, Can we?

Luke: no ma’am.

Sera: good, Because you are a gift from God and we can’t have you become corrupted.

She touches his face gently and looks at him.

Sera: I protected you when those monsters attacked you just because you were from heaven, they were upset that a new man would rise, they feared the power you hold and would do anything to destroy it, by destroying you.

Luke frowned as he held out his arms, his eyes watering up.

Luke: c-can I have a hug, please?

Sera softens up and smiles at Luke.

Sera: Of course, you have done so much and were being good by telling me the truth instead of lying, you know that heaven won’t accept lying, especially when it’s about valuable information like this.

Then she hugs Luke, who leans close to her for comfort, sera gently strokes his beautiful dark curly brown hair, it was a better color than the awful blonde he was born with.

The fact that he looked like Lilith was horrible, the woman had betrayed her original husband in favor of Lucifer, who shouldn’t have fallen in love with Lilith and had even disobeyed his father.

Sera: Did they tell you anything strange? You seem to be shaken up by something.

Luke: Lilith said something to me that…..made me feel strange.

Sera: And what did she tell you?

Luke: She said that I reminded her of her missing son because of my moles, I just said that it was a coincidence, they think I'm 20 years old at the moment, in human years.

Sera: good, you are such a good boy, Luke, you are making me so proud.

Luke: I am?

Sera: yes, you are doing what i’m telling you to do and listening to my advice, i’m sorry that you are stuck in hell.

Luke: It's ok sera, you don’t need to stress yourself out so much, I can handle it, I’ve handled many creatures before in different situations.

Sera: I just want you to remember this, do not show them your real form, you may look like them but they’ll know who you truly are.

Luke: don’t worry, I've been doing my best to control my powers to protect myself and heaven from the awful demons of hell.

Sera: wonderful.

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