(loonatics unleashed)when two gods decide to run away

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summary: ares(ace's son)had decided to run away after feeling unwanted, his crush, yukito, helps him run away since he wants to feel free, so the two lovers start their plans to run away.

ares: yukito! are you here? yukito!

yukito: ares.

he appears behind the dog-bunny hybrid, he had a blank look on his face while ares had a "when did you get there?!" look on his face.

yukito: something seems to be troubling you, would you mind telling me what is it? Or do you prefer to keep it to yourself?

ares: i want to tell you about it because I need someone to talk to, i can't talk to my family about this because they're just going to tell me the same thing.

yukito: have a seat my darling while I start preparing some food, You look exhausted and you need to keep up your energy.

ares: thanks.

yukito starts to make a meal for them to eat.

yukito: now, would you mind telling me what is troubling you?

ares: It's about my new baby brother.

yukito: The one you try to mail away?

ares: I tried to do it but it didn't work, They think I'm going through a phase but I'm not.

yukito: It sounds like you are going through a phase.

ares: And I feel betrayed.

yukito:'kisses his forehead'oh ares......

ares: it's just.....i feel like no one is going to remember me, i feel forgotten.....

yukito: well I'll assume that you have a plan on what to do in this situation.

ares: how do you know I have a plan?

yukito: because you always tell me your plans before you do them, remember when you told me about the box plan?

ares: oh ya, and you're right, i have a plan.

yukito: and what is your plan?

ares: i'm going to run away.

yukito: You're going to do.....what?

ares: I'm going to run away from home, They don't seem to need me anymore so why should I be there?

yukito: I don't know if this is how the term works but you're old enough to not be running away from home, It's simply called leaving.

ares: That is true but I'm not just leaving nd going to live somewhere else in this city, I'm leaving the city for good.

yukito: Now this sounds more like running away.

ares: And I came here to ask you something.

then he goes on one knee.

ares: Will you run away with me?

yukito: And this is the same answer you're going to get if you ever propose, yes.

yukito did not know why he agreed to this but he wanted to get out of the city as well, He had grown used to being in the city but he wanted to go somewhere else, He didn't want to be trapped by Pierre anymore, He just wanted to be free.

ares:'hugs yukito'

yukito: i have been planning this for a while but I was planning on running away this year, i just didn't know when because I still wanted to be here with you, but I know a great location we could stay at and I have a lot of money saved up, we still need to find jobs but we'll be able to handle things.

ares: you're the best yukito!

yukito: Thank you but we should probably buy some stuff that will hide our identity, People are going to notice an arctic fox and a dog-bunny hybrid together, A few people might see us and tell your parents were they saw us going to, There are even security cameras around so they'll be able to identify which train we got on, They'll be able to track down our location and we'll get caught.

ares: You're really good at planning.

yukito: anything for my god of war.

ares: you flirt, i'm so glad that I have my God of ice with me.

yukito: and I'll never leave your side.

they both kiss.

yukito: now let's work on disguises, i have a few ideas for us but they will take a while to get ready, you can't run away yet, be patient.

ares:'leans close to yukito'anything for you.

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