(CC)meet jasper everett

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summary: it's time to talk about jasper everett.

It shows two people in a room.

Lazara: Hello everyone, I'm lazara maria gravestone.

Russell: And I'm Russell crane.

Lazara: Today, We are going to talk about Jasper Everett, He is the nephew of David Jones, Along with the son of Lolly, Jones' older sister.

Russell: This is jasper.

Then a picture of Jasper is shown.

Lazara: he is the youngest person in the beelzebub family blood line at the moment, he is an only child, his father hasn’t been shown yet but later on, he will

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Lazara: he is the youngest person in the beelzebub family blood line at the moment, he is an only child, his father hasn’t been shown yet but later on, he will.

Russell: when jasper was 3, he was almost kidnapped by the archangel raphael, Only because he was ordered to do it, Jasper was going to be one of the attempts of stopping the seven deadly sins bloodlines, Due to him being the youngest and therefore having the biggest chance of producing.

Lazara: How come they haven't come back for him?

Russell: He's gay so they don't need to worry about him getting a girl pregnant.

Lazara: Good point.

Russell: Jasper became an expert in space thanks to his uncle Stolas.

Real sam: Stolas is in here?

Russell: Hello Sam, He is here, Jasper isn’t Stolas biological nephew, but Stolas is basically an uncle figure to him.

Real sam: That's pretty cool, I'm just here to learn more and do probably guess what my actual self is saying.

Lazara: anyway, during the first game, in canon, jasper didn’t show up until the fifth game, but in my au, jasper is in university and is going to be in the newest case that hasn’t been uploaded yet, so in the first game, jasper is 21 years old, in the fifth game, he is 26 years old and is an astrophysicist.

Real sam: I'm guessing Stolas also works with space in this world.

Lazara: yup.

Russell: Anyway, he also has a boyfriend named Amir devani, who is 25 years old, and later on becomes his husband.

Lazara: they have such a sweet relationship, in the fifth game, we find out they have been together for 3 years.

Lazara: they have such a sweet relationship, in the fifth game, we find out they have been together for 3 years

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Real sam: so jasper was 23 when he met amir.

Lazara: but their relationship hit a bump.

Real sam: huh?

Russell: Jasper became a suspect, accused of killing Rupert Winchester, by a drunk amir.

Real sam: What happened?

Lazara: Here's the proof.

A picture is shown.

Real sam: Holy crap

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Real sam: Holy crap.

Russell: amir stopped talking to jasper and even told him to leave the station when jasper tried to apologize for lying, but after getting some help, amir knew that jasper was sorry and only went to the interview to help the station with dreamlife drama and turning down the job, so amir apologized to jasper and things were ok again.

Real sam: Well damn.

Lazara: But I know Liz is going to add more drama to it.

Real sam: and I'm afraid to see how she’ll do it.

Lazara: Anyway, after a few cases, Amir proposed to Jasper with an engagement ring made out of bocryx.

Real sam: why?

Russell: It's Jasper's favorite metal.

Real sam: aaawwww.

Lazara: and the second to last case of the game, jasper became a suspect again.

Real sam: Oh dear.

Russell: Indeed, Jasper knew Denise Daniels, who is an antagonist and a villain, he got an internship thanks to her.

Lazara: but luckily, he was found innocent, but got himself in some trouble.

Russell: And 5 months after the final case, Jasper and Amir got married!

Russell: And 5 months after the final case, Jasper and Amir got married!

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Real sam: aaawww.

Russell: We didn't share too much about what Liz will add, but I can share this, for Liz's au, denise groped jasper but he was too scared to tell anyone.

Real sam: that crazy lizard has a death wish for adding so much angst, especially since he’s the grandson of bee and striker in our au.

Lazara: she’s my creator and you’ve seen what i’ve done so far in the book.

Real sam: true.

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