(helluva boss+criminal case)concern for a queen bee

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summary: bee is concerned about the whole situation, luckily, striker is there to comfort her.

bee didn't know how to feel seeing there was another sin of gluttony, she knew her own kids would have her DNA, but seeing someone that was alive because of her own demonic DNA was insane, it also felt terrifying hearing they were made to overthrow them and take over hell, that was terrifying.

the "new sin of gluttony" was called david jeremiah jones, but everyone called him jones for some weird reason, he was 33 years old, he had blue eyes and brown hair, but it looked gray for some weird reason.

From what she knew about him or what he talked about, he loves to eat food, especially sweet treats.

She also likes to eat sweet treats.

She also found out that he was divorced because his wife thought his job was too dangerous, Which got her curious.

What was his job?

bee: hey, Is it okay if I can ask you a question?

jones: sure, We should be getting to know each other so ask anything you want.

bee: What is your job?

jones: oh, I am an investigator and I help investigate crimes, I work with a person and we solve the crime, But we need evidence to prove that the person is guilty of the crime, murders mostly happened where I come from, It's kind of insane.

bee: and how do you feel about solving the murders?

jones: most of the time it's horrifying, sometimes I even feel sick, but it is usually the suspects that are a pain in my ass, like bart, that son of a-

jessica: jones, we would appreciate it if you don't swear, there are children around and I know that this is hell, but I don't think their parents would be happy teaching their kids how to swear, we don't even know how to defend ourselves.

angela: i know how to defend myself.

jessica: how?

angela: military training.

JP: you have military training? i thought you were a coroner.

angela: it's a long story, a story I'm not in the mood to talk about, and besides we should be showering right now, we are covered in dirt and slob, so it's best that we shower first before we start eating.

jones: are you sure I can't wash my hands and eat?

angela: do you want to get sick?

jones: no......

angela: Then you are going to shower and you are going to do it correctly.

jones: You don't have to be so rude, I understand that you're stressed about the situation but you don't need to take it out on others, I have been starving for a long time because I have ran out of cookies before I came here, I just want something sweet in me.

nadia: That sounds kind of wrong for you to say it like that.

jones: What do you mean?

jessica: It's probably best if we don't talk about it.

theo: good idea, I want to keep my dignity and make sure my ears don't bleed.

JP: same, and i have a son.

theo: You have a son?

JP: yes, He must be really worried about me right now, I just hope he's okay.

nadia: your son is a strong boy, i know that everything is going to be okay, but we still need to figure out how to get back, some of us have our own families that are worried about us, but what's going to happen to them? Will the scientist I created us try to go after them? I don't want to put my friends in danger.

jones: or my friends as well, We have been dealing with a lot lately, I'm worried about their safety.

luke: And I have work to do, This is going to be a nightmare.

bee: Maybe you all should shower, Normally I would give you my food that can call people down, But you're all filthy.

jones: Let's just get the shower over with.

one by one they all went to separate showers, bee sighs and sits down.

striker: Is something wrong? You look upset, Is it about this whole situation?

bee: ya.....

striker: You know you can always talk to me about this.

bee:'leans close to him'

striker: is it about the new people?

bee sighs, she leans close to striker, she looked stressed and upset, she made herself a snack and starts to eat it rather slowly.

bee: i'm just worried that I'm going to be able to replaced, what if something happens? What if they're just pretending to be clueless about all of this? they could kill us at any moment and he wouldn't know about it, they could have holy weapons hidden with them, what if they hurt the kids?

striker:'holds one of her hands'

bee: i know I'm a sin, but I just can't help but worry about the possibilities.

striker: i'll keep an eye on them but for now we need to remain calm, we need to wait for the right moment, to see if they are telling the truth or not.

bee: but should we tell the others about our suspicions? I just want to make sure everyone is safe, especially the kids.

striker: if any of them tries to hurt the kids, i swear that I will break their necks, after I torture them of course for what they did, but I feel like we should tell the others about our suspicions, it's for good measure and for the safety of the kids, they will understand why we are worried about this.

bee: I just over making the right decision, I'm worried that we might be judging them too soon....

striker:'kisses her forehead gently'

bee:'smiles'now, I know that they should be done showering soon, So we should probably see if the food is ready.

striker: good idea, It's too soon to tell them, It's best we tell them during the night so they'll be asleep when we tell the others.

bee: good idea.

they stand up and join the others, but they were still worried.

What's this second generation really telling the truth? Did they really not know about their true identity? Or are they just in on it?

only time will tell.

they had to wait and see what will happen.

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