(hb+hh+cc)i'm used to it

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summary: ozzie is worried about nadia when he talks to her about the dangers of hell when she triesto leave the hotel, not knowing that alastor was listening.

nadia:'sneaking out of her room as she looks around, security had been pretty tight lately, she just wanted to go outside for a while to see what it was like, the hotel was nice and all but she just wanted to get some fresh air'

ozzie: and where do you think you are going?

nadia: i'm just going outside for a bit.

ozzie: haven't I explained this to you already?

nadia: multiple times already in the past few days, But you were telling that to everyone else.

ozzie: And I will say it again because I have to, You can't go outside until you have a disguise, I have literally said this multiple times.

nadia: And I have heard you multiple times.

ozzie: look, we need to keep you and the others safe.

nadia: you're acting like an overprotective sibling.

ozzie: i might as well be one!

nadia: whatever, you're not in charge of me anyway, i'm an adult and i can do what i want, so don't worry about it.

ozzie: well i have a lot to worry about!

nadia: whatever! If you're worried i'll get harassed, i'll be ok! i'm used to that kind of stuff anyway.....

ozzie: wait what?

nadia: being harassed, i'm used to it, so i adapted a dominant persona, it makes me feel safe when i'm doing it, i like doing it but i prefer to be in control, so i don't remember those awful times, it never fully happened but....i just don't want to remember them.

ozzie: nadia.....

nadia: i just want to be outside for a bit.....

ozzie: you will, the disguises will be ready soon, ok?

nadia: ok.....

ozzie: and you can call me big bro if you want.

nadia: wait, i can? are you sure i can call you big bro?

ozzie: of course you can, i can see you as my own little sister.

nadia: even though we aren't exactly blood related?

ozzie: if anyone tells you anything like that, let me know so I can beat them up.

nadia: i never had a brother before, it feels nice.

ozzie:'smiles at her'now, Get some rest, You'll need it.

nadia: noted.

they walk away, then alastor appears.

alastor: how am i always getting myself into these situations?

he sighs, then he disappears.

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