(hb+cc)new babies and new friends

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summary: two babies meet and a small friendship begins.

fizz:'smiles as he was holding a baby girl'aaawww, isn't she adorable?

ozzie: of course she is, she looks a lot like you.

the baby girl had an imp like apperance, but she had blue hair and glowing green eyes like ozzie's eyes.

ozzie: she looks adorable.

fizz: our little nadia knows how to be adorable.

bee:'walks in'hey ozzie, i have a favor to ask you.

ozzie: and what is the favorite that you need to ask me? Please tell me you didn't ruin the electricity in your house again.

bee: that was one time and it wasn't that bad.

ozzie: it was terrible.

fizz: i should know, i was there.

bee: well it isn't something that bad, apparently I was supposed to babysit a kid but I have to deal with an emergency.

ozzie: should I even ask what the emergency is?

bee: it's best if you don't ask about it.

ozzie: noted.

bee: Apparently Bel has a child, a baby boy to be exact, he seems to be around the same age as Nadia, probably a few months older than her, i would love to babysit him, but I have to deal with another emergency that has to do with a party.

ozzie:'raises an eyebrow'

bee: okay so maybe there was a bit of a fight and I need to take care of it, but I can't bring a baby to the fight, i would be a horrible babysitter, so I need you to keep an eye on him, please.

ozzie: okay, I'll watch the baby for you.

bee: thank you!

then she shows a baby sloth.

fizz: it's a baby sloth.

bee: ya, he likes to be a sloth but also go into a human form.

fizz: wow.

ozzie: what's his name?

bee: his name is Jean Philippe, but you can call him JP for short.

fizz:'gets the baby sloth'hi JP.

JP:'blinks his eyes at him and coos'

fizz: hey little guy.

JP:'giggles and touches his face'

bee: bye!

then she leaves as fizz looks at the baby sloth.

fizz: he's adorable.

ozzie: i can't believe bel had a baby and didn't tell any of us.

fizz: remember, she's the sin of sloth, she probably didn't have the energy to tell any of us.

ozzie: oh ya.

JP:'giggles and claps his hand once before yawning'

nadia:'coos and touches his hand'

JP:'coos at her'

ozzie: let's put the in the play pen so they can play while we try to figure out what to do.

fizz: good idea ozzie.

the two babies are placed in a play pen as they walk away.

nadia:'hugs JP and giggles'

JP:'smiles at her and hugs her before staying by her side, he had a lot of traits from his mom but he had enough energy to make new friends'

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