(criminal case)puppets

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summary: based on my au, the officers decide to go to an event, but yann has a panic attack when he sees some puppets.

amy: wow, this place looks wonderful! There's so much cool stuff here! And it's really colorful as well!

frank: there's too much color for me and it's giving me a migraine.

russell: well I think it's wonderful.

The two men glared each other.

andrea: knock it off, we are all here to have fun and I swear if you two do something stupid, I will show no mercy.

roxie: You better listen there, You know she's serious when she's very angry.

frank: We know and she's freaking terrifying!

russell: You do know she's still right there, right?

frank: Well why didn't you stop me?!

russell: I like seeing you dig up your own grave.

frank: I hate you.

russell: The feeling's mutual.

yann: I knew I should have brought my coffee cup with me if I was going to be dealing with this all day.

andrea: Well I'm sorry that you had to be dragged into this but I can't deal with them alone, i might as well go insane if i'm dealing with them on my own!

yann: You have a good point there, I'm not a cruel person so I will help you.

hannah: I swear you always have to be the babysitter whenever we go somewhere fun,

yann: Well someone has to be the responsible person, And if Andrea is losing her sanity, someone else has to have some sanity, And that would usually be me.

andrea: and I'm sorry that you have to be the one that usually breaks up the fights, but Frank and Russell are a pain in the ass.

yann: i have dealt with a lot of people, like my brother.

frank: wait you have a brother?

yann: he's my older brother, but I haven't seen him in a long time.

lazara: That was a year ago, I was there and I know him.

yann: It's complicated, we got into a disagreement a long time ago and it's not something I want to talk about, So please don't try to ask me about it, That means you too Russell.

russell: Now my feelings are hurt.

lazara: You know he's right Russell.

russell:....damn it.


yann:'stops walking and freezes'

andrea: yann, is something wrong?

Everyone stopped walking and looked at him, he had a terrified expression on his face.

frank: is he having a stroke?

russell: i don't think he's having a stroke, he would have collapsed by now.

roxie: maybe he got scared?

yann points at something.

It was a puppet that was hanging up from a stall, It looked a bit crooked.

frank: It's just a puppet, Is that what's terrifying you?


russell: I think he suffers from a fear of puppets, It's best to get him away from them and for him to sit down so he can calm down, It's possible that he could have a panic attack And things can get a lot worse.

they held yann sit down.

yann:'shaking and tearing up'

russell: yann.

yann:'wipes his tears away, he takes a deep breath'i'm sorry for panicking, i don't like puppets, i have a fear of them and it grew more as i got older.

hannah: maybe we should go home.

yann: no, i don't want to ruin the day.....

lazara: i'll take you home.

yann: are you sure?

lazara: yes, i would do anything to help my friend.

yann:'smiles'thank you lazara, your so kind.

lazara: anything for a friend.

she knew why yann was freaking out, she was friends with his older brother after all.

she wasn't going to let him relive his trauma because of the puppeteer, she remembered the promise she made to kasim.

yann may be older than her, but she was going to make sure that he was ok, no matter what.

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