(CC)bee and steel love story

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It shows 3 figures holding a book, it reveals that it was the eldest daughters, candice and lolly, in the middle was the only son of beelzebub, david jeremiah jones.

David: Long ago, the daughter of berry, Beelzebub, was crowned queen for the gluttony kingdom.

It shows berry placing the crown on bee’s head at a coronation.

Candice: The Demon Queen had someone her to her throne room.

It shows the demon queen looking at bee, who seemed to be nervous.

Demon queen: Since you are now the queen, It is finally time for you to hold up your responsibility of providing an heir, If you ever want to continue your lineage, You must find someone to marry and be able to produce children, Otherwise you would put your own lineage in danger and force your own mother to take the crown back.

Bee: I understand your majesty.

Lolly: She was told that she had to find someone to marry and have children with.

Candice: But she wasn't sure who she wanted to marry, She wanted to find the right person but she wasn't sure who was the right person for her.

It shows bee in her own room as she was reading a book.

Candice: but one day, she was summoned due to a ritual that had been performed which had involved her mother, but due to her being the new queen bee, she was summoned.

A portal appears under bee and takes her to the middle of nowhere, she glares at the people in cloaks.

Bee: where am i?!

Lolly: she demanded to know where she was when she was told that a sacrifice had been offered to her.

David: The sacrifice was a young man, Apparently he was being sacrificed due to the crops not being able to grow, They decided to sacrifice due to her being the sin of gluttony, Hoping that you would use your powers to make crops grow.

Man 2: we offer a human life in exchange for food, Please accept it because we have people to feed.

Lolly: Our mother was horrified by this and decided not to accept the sacrifice, Until she saw him, our father, steel.

The sacrifice looked at her, steel had an emotionless look on his face.

David: I thought it was chosen at the sacrifice due to having blend eyes because of childhood trauma, Many people thought he was cursed and decided to use him as a sacrifice.

Candice: Our mother decided to kill all of the other people but kept our father for herself.

It shows Bee murdering the others before she picks steel up in a bridal style.

Steel:’leans close to bee and closes his eyes’

Candice: He didn't show any emotions at all but he made up for them with his action.

It shows steel giving candice flowers in the shape of a smiling face, bee smiles as she sniffs the flowers.

David: they were together for multiple years before getting married.

It shows bee and steel getting married, steel looked emotionless in the wedding photos, but he was holding bee’s hand the entire time and staying close to her.

David: they did have some trouble due to steel’s emotions, especially from asmodeus.

It shows Asmodeus in the corner as he stared at steel.

David: Wait, is this why mom told us to not talk to him when we were younger?

Lolly: yup.

David: Huh, who knew.

Candice: It was only after a month's dad our mother found out that she was pregnant, She gave birth to Lolly and after 2 years, I was born, But the demon queen didn't like the fact that we didn't have a lot of good necessities, In her eyes, We weren't fit to take over.

Lolly: Which totally wasn't our fault but her mother had the pressure put on her again, It was pretty difficult for her and our father to have another kid due to the stress.

Candice: But then out of the blue, Our mother revealed that she was pregnant, We didn't see the baby with our father since we knew that they were trying to have another kid.
David: All to please the demon queen, I was born 9 months later and everyone was surprised that I had good abilities at such a young age, The Demon Queen was please that I had good abilities and therefore, I was the perfect candidate for the throne, which had never happened before due to the fact that there were always queen bees.

Lolly: Me and Candice didn't really care though, We were just happy that we didn't get to rule because it just wasn't our thing.

David: And I wasn't so sure at the beginning but after learning about the responsibilities and what I have to do, Plus knowing that my mother would have to be stressed, I decided to take over once I was old and mature enough to do it.

Lolly: But our mother did eventually reveal to me and Candace that Jones wasn't our father's child, But the child of another man, We were surprised of course but we weren't upset at our mother because she was drunk and which was later to be revealed that she was drugged, along with jones actual father.

David: It's hard to believe that the man was only like almost two decades older than me.

Candice: At least you got to meet him.

David: That is true but he did a lot of messed up things.

Lolly: That is true, Even if he did a lot of bad things, He doesn't for many reasons but it doesn't excuse his behavior.

David: At least I know that he's at peace with his daughters and wife.

Then the book is closed.

David: That's all for now, I would tell more about what happened but the war is a different story, something that shouldn't be shared until after more information is revealed, goodbye readers.

Then the lights go out as 3 pairs of blue eyes glow in the darkness.

David: boo.

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