(hb+hh+cc)a talk at midnight

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summary: alastor and angela have a talk at night, barbie listens and starts to get suspicious about angela.

alastor:'in his room, he was taking a nap when he heard something, he quickly sat up and notice that Angel was still asleep, he gently kissed his forehead before getting out of bed to see what was the noise all about'

he was worried that there was a robber.

But he felt relieved to see that it was just Angela.

alastor: why are you up so late?

angela: I couldn't sleep so I wanted to get a midnight snack, Is there a problem with me doing that?

alastor: no, Because I was certain that there was a robber here, But it's just you so there's nothing for me to worry about.

angela: I didn't mean to wake you up, I just been having trouble sleeping, I'm usually able to sleep pretty well next to my husband, I might need to start taking sleeping pills soon if I need the sleep, And I can't keep doing this, you know, Getting up almost every night just to get myself something that will help me sleep.

alastor: You do have a good point there but you will need to talk to Charlie about that.

angela: Do you think I'm going to get addicted to sleeping pills?

alastor: I am not accusing you of being an addict.

angela: It sounded like you were accusing me, And I know how to handle medication, My husband has to be taking medication and I make sure that he takes the right amount, I made sure that in case if I wasn't there, how to get the pills and how much to take, He had a bit of a drug problem and I heard that you almost overdosed one time.

alastor: Your husband almost overdosed?

angela: Yes but it was a long time ago when we were still in college, He doesn't know that I know, I don't see him as a drug addict, I just see him as my wonderful husband who gives the best cuddles ever.

alastor: So what are the pills for?

angela: huh?

alastor: Why does he need to take pills? Unless it's a personal matter, I won't question it any further.

angela: Are you sure you want to know?

alastor: Only if you don't want to tell me about it, I will respect your choice.

angela: i'm just going to keep this short but my husband was abused when he was younger, i don't know what he went through but it broke him mentally, i just don't understand why anyone want to hurt him because he's so kind and generous, people could be so cruel.....

alastor: it's why so many of them end up in hell.

angela: i hope they end up in hell.

alastor: so, how did you meet him?

angela: When we were in college and it was around Christmas, He was wearing a Santa outfit and he was trying to get inside of a chimney but got stuck, So I have to save him and when I first saw him, He looked like an angel, He smiled and it just made me feel something I haven't felt in a long time.

alastor: love?

angela: love.

she smiles and looks at the picture.

angela: I love him and he loves me, After we got to know each other better, We started dating and eventually we got married, After a few years we were blessed with three beautiful daughters, His parents have gone in better but I will never forgive them for what they did, So most of the time a babysitter is watching them, I made sure the book cameras around in case the babysitter tried to do anything.

alastor: No offense but isn't that a bit extreme?

angela: I want to make sure my daughters are safe, I don't want them to grow up in fear and think that me and my husband don't love them, I don't want my daughters to think that we let them be abused by someone just because we were busy.

alastor: You do have a point there.

angela: But I don't like how she stares at my husband.

alastor: and how would you define that?

angela: She always has this looking her eyes whenever she talks to Lars, Like she's imagining doing stuff to him.

alastor: stuff that you would want to do with him?

angela: yes.

alastor: That might be your sin activating, You are the sin of envy after all.

angela: ya, i just really loved him and I was worried that he was going to leave me, don't you ever get that feeling that you won't be good enough one day, does the person you love the most is going to leave you for someone that can give them everything they want it, something you will never be able to give.

Alastor had to admit that sometimes he felt that way.

It must have just been his own paranoia but he was always worried that Angel would leave him because he was asexual, It was always a small fear he had ever since he started dating Angel.

alastor: sometimes I do have that fear when I'm with my significant other, But I have to do my best to ignore it so he doesn't affect our relationship.

angela: That is true because you keep letting paranoia affect you, It could affect how you spend time with the person you love the most.

alastor: It's time for me to go back to bed, Good night Angela, I'll see if I can try to make sure you get sleeping pills so you are able to sleep more easily at night, Just make sure to hide them because sometimes addicts walk in here.

angela: noted.

then alastor walks away.

They had no idea that Barbie was listening to them, She had been suspicious of Angela for a while, It wasn't because she was the sin of envy, But it was how she was acting and how she felt like she was going to go to war, She even said she had military training, But for some weird reason, She never told anyone why she took it.

And the way she was talking about Lars, The way she described him and what he liked was kind of creepy.

barbie:'thinks'ugh, I sound really paranoid right now but I have a feeling that there's more to her than we know, What the hell did she even go through?

Barbie decides to go back to her room and try to sleep, She will talk to her brother about her suspicions, She just had to get it off her chest one way or another.

She didn't fully trust this new generation, She didn't know if they were going to betray them, And she refused to let anyone she cared about get her again.

She failed once and she wasn't going to fail again.

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