Chp 3 - Rising questions in Anirudh's mind

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While Bondita left to prepare breakfast, Anirudh greeted Bihari, his wife, Munshi ji and the other servants of the house. Anirudh was always down to earth and respected each individual irrespective of their caste, relation or economic condition. He always treated everyone equally.
He soon freshened up and all the members of the Roy chaudary mansion assembled for breakfast at the dining area.

Anirudh's eyes was constantly looking  at Bondita while she was serving everyone. She was bending her head down and serving the elders i.e her kakasasurji and sasurji first.  Then she came towards Anirudh's right hand side to serve him. Her eyes were bent down not meeting his which dissapointed Anirudh a little but he observed her beautiful face from close. "She has grown up to be so beautiful,just unimaginable,but why isn't she smiling? ", he thought.

Just then, a tiny pair of hands touched his left elbow. He turned to see a very cute little girl standing on her toes trying to reach her hands to the top of the dining table. She was wearing a cotton full length skirt and top with her small length hair tied up with a rubberband. She was looking very adorable. Anirudh cupped her cute face when he heard kaka screaming " Sashwati, how many times, I have told you to not come to this area? You always want to eat from our plate. Munshii, take your grand daughter away from here", he yelled pointing at Munshi ji. 
Listening to this,  Anirudh was extremely delighted to know that the cute little girl was none other than Saurabh's and Sampoorna's daughter. However, he was equally disappointed with Kaka's behaviour with the little kid.
Trilochan roy chaudhary had always strong superstitions on not to allow lower caste people or servants to eat in the vessels which was meant for the family members. 
Anirudh argued with rage " Kaka,  why are you scolding her like this? She is a small kid.  Probably she is hungry and that's why she came here and it's nothing wrong in eating in our plate, I would rather feed her myself with love."
Kaka closed his eyes, knowing the blunder he made. He shouldn't have behaved differently with the girl in front of his fitoori nephew.  He very well knows how much he hates such kind of differentiation or behavior with lower class people and he would definitely not stop lecturing his kaka on equal rights.  However, it was Trilochan's habbit and his old school od thoughts which always made him feel and behave superior to his servants and lower class people.
Before Anirudh could begin ranting on equal rights to his kaka,  Munshi ji came forward apologizing and pulled away his Grand daughter from the dining area.
Bondita too left from the dining area soon after.  Anirudh was astonished to see that Bondita didn't speak a word in his favour. She always used to support him and present her questions(tarks) in front of everyone whenever such kind of ill treatment or misbehaviour took place. She used to make sure that no injustice happens when she is around, however this time she didn't speak up at all.
With all the dissapointment, he got up to wash his hands after his breakfast when he saw Bondita seated at a distance feeding Sashwati very lovingly. He felt happy seeing the image in front of him.  He was feeling relaxed that Bondita too respected everyone equally just like before but what he really didn't understand was, why she didn't raise her voice against the injustice that happened few minutes ago. Anirudh had always taught her to stand against injustice and speak her heart out and she was just that type but now she was behaving differently compared to her nature.

In order to speak to her,  he called out " Bondita, Can I have a cup of coffee in my study? " She nodded and got up to make him his favorite coffee.

Anirudh was feeling nostalgic and emotional as he entered his study. Study room was always his favorite place but it had become special over the years as the room was filled with memories of his Bondita.  It was the room where he had first taught her alphabets, the room where they laughed, shared the happy and sad moments of their life and most importantly the dream they saw together.  The dream of making her the first female barrsister of the country. He went towards the wall which had their photo containing them in the barrister robe.  He had tears in his eyes remembering the times when they had shot the picture. He saw few medals and trophys kept just beneath the photo. He understood that there were Bondita's awards which she had won all these years and had Probably kept them underneath their photo to depict them as the milestones she was setting up in their journey to fulfill their dream.
He was feeling proud and emotional at the same time.  He couldn't wait any longer to embrace her and let his emotions out.
He was impatiently waiting for her to enter the study with his coffee but to his dissapointment he saw Bihari entering the study.
"Chote Malik, here is your coffee. Bondita Malkin made it for you",Bihari said.

Anirudh was going to ask him about Bondita when the telephone rang.  Anirudh answered the telephone which was kept in his study room. He was on cloud nine after receiving the news from the other side of the telephone. He immediately rushed outside calling out "Bondita Bondita Bonditaaaa".
Bondita who was clearing up the kitchen,came out hearing her Patibabu's voice.
On seeing her, Anirudh asked with restlessness in his voice" Bondita, why didn't you come to the Study with the coffee? Why did you send Bihari instead?"
Bondita politely replied with a stern face" Sorry, I didn't know that you were expecting me to come to your study. I thought you just wanted your coffee,so I made it and sent it across through Bhaari babu".

Anirudh was baffled listening to her response. In the past, It was always Bondita who used to get his coffee to the study and both of them used to have fun moments with each other.  Bondita always used to be the mischievous one and tease her patibabu. The coffee time in study was "their" moments.
He had expected Bondita to go on continously narrating all that happened over the years to him due to her talkative nature but now she was behaving as if she didn't even know him earlier.
With a pinch in his heart he continued to say with a smile" Bondita, just now I got a telephone from Bramho samaj, they want to honour you for topping 12th std this evening. I'm so proud of you Bondita, can't wait for this memorable evening". Anirudh expected to see her excited after listening to the news but she just bluntly replied " Okay" leaving Anirudh puzzled.

What do you think, would happen in the Award cermony?
What is in Bondita's mind?
What made her so different?
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Happy Reading.

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