Chp 27 - Trilochan's grand child

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Anirudh rests his head on her shoulder, closing his eyes. Bondita didn't understand what's going on in Anirudh's mind. Anirudh pulled her more close to him and comforts his head on her shoulder. He comforted himself just as a child comforts himself in his mother's embrace. Bondita understanding his state of mind, wrapped her hands around him, thus completing the embrace. He was trying to sooth himself, find solace in her arms. They remained in the same position for a while. Both were extremely silent as they didn't need any conversation. They were trying to understand each other's silence with closed eyes. After almost half an hour Bondita winced a little in pain as her back was hurting as she was sitting upright in the same posture to ensure her Patibabu is not disturbed. When Anirudh heard her screech, he immediately distanced himself from her. Understanding her reason, he held both her shoulders and rested against the head rest of the cot. He then pulled the pillow underneath her and made her lay down. The room was absolutely silent without any conversation between the two. They didn't need to talk at this moment. Bondita clearly knew Anirudh was in distress and Anirudh too knew well that Bondita is ready to support him in any circumstance. The trust between them was enough to engulf the silence. He laid beside her and slowly, carefully removed her heavy necklace. He then removed her nose ring and maang tika. Bondita's heart skipped with her Patibabu's touch. She knew for sure he wouldn't do anything that would harm her. She didn't feel uncomfortable at all rather was feeling shy and overwhelmed the way Anirudh was carefully dealing with her. Bondita totally believed her Patibabu and was ready to accept whatever he did or didn't do today. He placed all the jewelry on the side table and got close to her. He pulled the blanket over them and wrapped his arm over her stomach. He then moved a little over her stretching his hand to switch off the lamp which was beside her.

The morning rays fell on Bondita's face from the window. She slowly opened her eyes to see the morning rays. She slowly turned towards the other side to see the bed empty. She got up with a shock. It was early morning and Anirudh never gets up that soon. She immediately got up to check if he was in the bathroom but she didn't find him there. She opened the door of the room and got out. From the first floor she saw downwards to witness complete silence. No one was awake in the house. She rushed back to her room to take a shower and then go downstairs to search for her Patibabu.
After her shower she rushed down stairs towards his study. She assumed he would definitely be in his study, but found an empty study room. She then went towards the balcony and then all the rooms. Anirudh was not present anywhere. Bondita started getting worried and thought "Where has Patibabu gone? Last night I knew he was very disturbed but where can he go this early morning? "
She then heard Bihari and other servants voice. The members of the house started waking up and Bondita decided to not let anyone know about Anirudh not being present at home. She didn't wanted to cause panic at home. She decided to patiently wait her husband's return. She walked towards the kitchen to begin her household chores. After a while Bondita went to Trilochan's room to serve him his Tea. Trilochan was absolutely normal and forgot to enact being sick. However on seeing Bondita, he realised and tried to fake cough to pretend being Still sick. He spoke in a low voice " Bondita bahu, why did you wake up this early? You would have taken some rest. Tapur bahu or other servants would have brought my tea." Bondita just put her head down and didn't speak anything. She just handed him the cup of tea and left. Trilochan felt a little puzzled observing her silence. He then thought, " May be Bondita bahu is shy due to last night and hence she is so silent. I think my plan of fake sickness worked. This is amazing, this will solve all our problems now. I will get my grandson and also Bondita bahu will not study further." Trilochan smiled widely at this thought.

Hours had passed and there was no sign of Anirudh. Bondita was getting extremely worried. All the other members of the family assumed Anirudh was still asleep. Bondita didn't mention anything about his absence. She was continuously hoping he would return before the family found out. Soon Trilochan called out "Anirudh, Anirudhh."
Bihari went towards Trilochan's room and spoke " Bade Malik, Barrister babu is still asleep. He has not come down. " Trilochan was astonished. He asked, " He is still asleep? Bondita bahu got up so soon and he is still asleep? It's past 9am. Everyone have finished breakfast too and he is still asleep?" Trilochan got up from his bed. He had totally forgotten to behave sick. His only focus was on Anirudh. He immediately barged out of the room and walked towards Anidita's room. Bondita was in the verandah waiting for him. She was extremely worried now. On the other side Trilochan barged into Anidita's room to see no one there. He rushed down stairs screaming "Bondita Bahu, where is Anirudh? "
Bondita walked towards the living room listening to his voice. She replied, "Kaka sasur ji, why did you come out of your room? You need rest." Trilochan was not able to realise that he had to pretend being sick. All he was able to think was about Anirudh's absence. He asked again. "Bahu where is Anirudh?" Bondita put her head down and replied in a low tone "I don't know." Trilochan immediately reacted " You don't know? What do you mean you don't know? He was with you last night right? Now he is not...wait a minute, was he not with you last night? " Trilochan completed with his eyes widened. Bondita replied, " He was but don't know where he is now. " Trilochan spoke in a loud tone, " What? He was there last night and now you don't know where he is? " Listening to Trilochan's loud voice all the other members of the family too came towards the living room. Trilochan yelled" Where is Anirudh ? Where could he have gone? Did he again leave home like how he did 4 years ago? Oh god, how can we trust this Fitoori Anirudh? Not sure when he does what." Bondita's eyes were filled with tears just at the thought that may be Anirudh left home again just as he had done earlier. Before she could break down further she heard her Patibabu's voice from behind, " Don't worry kaka, your fitoori Anirudh would not leave home again without your permission."

Everyone turned around to see Anirudh standing at the doorstep of the Roy Chaudhary mansion. Anirudh entered inside and stood in front of Bondita. He placed his palm on her cheeks and gently wiped her tears. Anirudh held Bondita's chin and questioned, " Why are you crying Bondita? Did you actually think that I would leave home once again? Did you forget your promise, that we will stay together till death do us apart and you think I will not let you fulfill your promises?" Everyone looked on puzzled. Before Trilochan could ask anything, Anirudh commanded " Bondita,  go and pack your bags.  We need to return to Calcutta right? " Trilochan was baffled.  He spontaneously questioned, "Why?  Why should you return to calcutta? " Anirudh answered with a smirk " That's because your health is fine now.  You are so fine that you could get up and come all the way to the living room.  Also you are able to speak well in a loud voice. Isn't it? " Trilochan felt embarrassed as he forgot to enact being sick in midst of the situation. Anirudh added "  We had come to Tulsipur as you are unwell. Now that you are fine, we need to return." When Anirudh turned towards Bondita, he found her completely confused. He asked, "Why are you starring at me Bondita? I told you to pack your bags. Don't forget your college would commence in less than a week.  We need to do lots of preparation before that. So hurry up." 

Trilochan spoke "Hold on Bahu. Stay here." Looking towards Anirudh he replied, " I'm not still that well. I came till the living room because I was worried you went missing.  Where had you been from morning? And why are you going to Calcutta?  Did you forget you promised me that I will get my grand child? Then why are you leaving? " Anirudh replied with attitude, " Of course Kaka, I remember. Anirudh Roy Chaudhary never forgets his promises, no matter in what circumstances the promises are made." This statement made Bondita give Anirudh a guilty look. Her mind involuntarily started recollecting about the promise made by him to take her responsibility. She felt guilty that her Patibabu is fulfilling all his promises about her whether he likes it or not. Anirudh looked at her while reading her silence. His expression turned red and looking towards Trilochan he continued, " You will get your Grand child Kaka, but I never told that I would stay here in Tulsipur to give your grand child. Did I? Bondita and I would have to leave for Calcutta. Bondita needs to resume her education." Trilochan remarked " Anirudh , has your fitoor made you so insensitive that you are not worried about Bondita Bahu's health? Are you going to make Bahu study even during her pregnancy? Don't be insane Anirudh."  Anirudh replied with a smile " You may consider me Insane but I know how to take care of my wife kaka. You don't have to worry. You please take care of your health..actually that's not required, the promise of getting your grand child has made you fit already. Isn't it?" Looking at Somanth, he smirked and continued, " Doctor Babu, your patient has recovered without your help, isn't it?" While Somnath gave an embarrassed look, Anirudh looked back with rage. It felt as if Anirudh was conversing with his eyes with everyone.  Trilochan questioned " Anirudh you still didn't answer my question. Where had you been?" Anirudh withdrew his gaze from Somnath and looked at Trilochan. He answered," Kaka, I had gone to fulfill the promise made to you. Anyway you tell me how would you welcome your grand child, kaka?" Trilochan frowned at the question while Anirudh repeated, "Kaka , how would you welcome your Grand child?" Trilochan replied, "I would decorate the entire mansion, I would give many gold coins in charity." Anirudh gave a broad smile, " Well well, then please start the preparations." Trilochan replied with annoyance, "So soon? Also, how will I do all this if you go to Calcutta? Are you saying Bahu will deliver the child in Calcutta? I would not even be able to take care of my Bahu during pregnancy. I don't know how you will take care of her. All you care about is educating her. NO WAY , YOU ARE NOT GOING TO MAKE HER STUDY IN SUCH STATE." Anirudh responded with a sarcastic look on his face, " Don't worry kaka. You will get your grand child in your presence and about Bondita, don't you worry, I know how to take care of her."

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